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发布时间:2019-01-21 19:06
[Abstract]:After thousands of years, the painting school of Chinese landscape painting has been gradually improved. One of the important factors that make up a complete picture is the ink and pen. The importance of the pen and ink is obvious. The development of the pen and ink is also the development of the landscape painting of an era. Different artistic styles constitute the history of human thought development from ancient to present. The incalculable character of ink and pen is in harmony with the landscape space, and the harmony between ink and pen makes the effect of composition reach a relatively harmonious state. All things are interrelated and similar. Apart from the common characteristics, the same things also have different individualized features. From the point of view of Chinese painting, this kind of individualized brush and ink form should be pursued by all artists all their lives, and individuation has become the key to the innovation of Chinese painting. Each work should be infused with a unique individualized language. In the era of a hundred schools of thought, the individualized ink and the real feelings are more and more recognized by the artists. The background of this paper is focused on the Qing Dynasty. Under the influence of the turbulent social background and cultural autocracy, the artists are more absorbed in the study of the brush and ink language. After experiencing the pain of national subjugation, Shi Tao looked at fame and wealth, devoted himself to painting, with nature as a companion, with an original style, did not fall into old sets, and became his own family, although the style of painting was not accepted by the rulers at that time. But the true expression of their feelings, this expression and spiritual pursuit is also in the process of learning Chinese landscape painting appreciation and pursuit.


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