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发布时间:2019-03-27 09:20
【摘要】:中国山水画作为我国特有的艺术形式,有着独特的审美追求,追求意境,表达心迹,求意得境,具有丰富的艺术表现力和感染力。画家以独具特色的笔墨符号抒发自己的内心感受,表现出作者对物象的审美情趣,追求内在精神世界,形成了画家个人独具特色的绘画表现形式。 笔墨符号是艺术家在其艺术作品中最基本的情感表现载体,画家运用毛笔描绘物象,借以表达画家心迹并为万物传神,创造出独具特色艺术风格。笔墨符号是画家进行艺术创作时,,对客观物象感受体味、概括、升华后所产生的一种抽象的具有象征意味的符号,用以抒发画家的内心情感和审美感受,这种象征性符号运用笔墨表达出来,便是笔墨符号。笔墨符号由笔法与墨法组成,在山水画创作中,笔法与墨法如同人之骨肉,两者相辅相成、难以分割。笔墨作为中国特有的绘画语言是中国画得以传承和发展的先决条件和重要载体,也是画家对主观世界重要的认知,是中国传统绘画艺术精神之所在。 李可染作为我国现代杰出的山水画家,以深厚的笔墨传统,丰厚的学养,塑造出了李家山水的堂正之气,为中国山水竖起了一座庄严法相的历史丰碑。他的作品得中国山水之神,在师法古人和师法造化的同时,又能中西合璧,化古出新。李可染在长期写生的基础上,解决了古典山水图式的现代感,形成了雄奇朴茂、沉郁苍秀的艺术特色。他的作品风格独特,笔墨鲜明,创造出李家山水宏大雄博,浑厚平朴的正大气象。李可染作画追求书法用笔,笔法遒劲,翰墨淋漓,以恣肆挥洒的线条和墨色抒写出了中国山水画的庄严新乐章。
[Abstract]:Chinese landscape painting, as a unique art form of our country, has a unique aesthetic pursuit, pursuit of artistic conception, expression of heart, desire for the environment, with rich artistic expression and appeal. Painters express their own inner feelings with unique ink and pen symbols, show the author's aesthetic interest in objects and images, pursue the inner spiritual world, and form a unique form of painting expression. Ink and pen symbols are the most basic emotional expression carrier of artists in their artistic works. Painters use brush brushes to depict objects and images in order to express the artist's heart and convey the spirit of all things and create a unique artistic style. Pen-ink symbol is a kind of abstract symbol which is produced after sublimation, which expresses the artist's inner emotion and aesthetic feeling, when the painter carries on the artistic creation, feels the body taste to the objective object image, generalizes, sublimates the symbol, and expresses the artist's inner emotion and aesthetic feeling. This symbolic symbol is expressed by pen and ink, that is, pen and ink symbol. Pen and ink symbols are composed of pen method and ink method. In landscape painting, pen method and ink method are like the flesh and blood of human being, they complement each other and are difficult to be separated. As a unique Chinese painting language pen and ink is a prerequisite and an important carrier for the inheritance and development of Chinese painting. It is also an important cognition of the subjective world for painters and the spirit of Chinese traditional painting art. Li Keran, as a modern outstanding landscape painter in China, with his profound tradition of writing and ink and rich learning, has shaped the Tang Zhengqi of the landscape of the Lijia family and erected a solemn historical monument for the landscape of China. His works by the god of Chinese landscape, in the teacher of the ancients and the creation of the law, but also can combine the Chinese and Western, turn the ancient out of the new. On the basis of long-term sketching, Li Keran solved the modern sense of classical mountain and water schema, and formed the artistic features of magnificent, simple and gloomy. His works are unique in style, distinctive in pen and ink, creating a grand and magnificent landscape of the Lijia family, and a grand and plain atmosphere. Li Keran works in pursuit of calligraphy pen, brushwork, calligraphy dripping, with wanton line and ink to express the solemn new movement of Chinese landscape painting.


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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条

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