发布时间:2021-02-18 00:07
<正>在潘诺夫斯基的名篇〈作为风格史反映的人体比例理论的历史〉中,提到莱奥纳尔多·达·芬奇[Leonardo da Vinci]的人体比例,认为他的研究是人体比例史上的一个转折。1莱奥纳尔多在人体比例理论史上的重要性可见一斑。莱奥纳尔多对人体比例的兴趣散见于他的论述、素描和草
【文章来源】:新美术. 2020,41(01)北大核心CSSCI
【文章页数】:10 页
推测为莱奥纳尔多研究阿尔贝蒂界形仪的草图,Pietro C.Marani,“Leonardo,The Vitruvian Man,and the De sstatua Treatise”,Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture,ed.Gary M.Radke,Yale University Press
图1 推测为莱奥纳尔多研究阿尔贝蒂界形仪的草图,Pietro C.Marani,“Leonardo,The Vitruvian Man,and the De sstatua Treatise”,Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture,ed.Gary M.Radke,Yale University Press图3 莱奥纳尔多研究人体坐姿的比例,Frank ,Leonardo da Vinci:The Complete Paintings and Drawings,p.391.
图2 阿尔贝蒂界形仪示意,Gustina Scaglia,“Instruments Perfected for Measurements of Man and Status Illustrated in Leon Battista Alberti’s De Statua”,Nuncius,Vol 8(2),p.575.图4 莱奥纳尔多《维特鲁威人体比例图》
【文章来源】:新美术. 2020,41(01)北大核心CSSCI
【文章页数】:10 页
推测为莱奥纳尔多研究阿尔贝蒂界形仪的草图,Pietro C.Marani,“Leonardo,The Vitruvian Man,and the De sstatua Treatise”,Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture,ed.Gary M.Radke,Yale University Press
图1 推测为莱奥纳尔多研究阿尔贝蒂界形仪的草图,Pietro C.Marani,“Leonardo,The Vitruvian Man,and the De sstatua Treatise”,Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture,ed.Gary M.Radke,Yale University Press图3 莱奥纳尔多研究人体坐姿的比例,Frank ,Leonardo da Vinci:The Complete Paintings and Drawings,p.391.
图2 阿尔贝蒂界形仪示意,Gustina Scaglia,“Instruments Perfected for Measurements of Man and Status Illustrated in Leon Battista Alberti’s De Statua”,Nuncius,Vol 8(2),p.575.图4 莱奥纳尔多《维特鲁威人体比例图》