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发布时间:2018-09-03 06:43
【摘要】:随着素质教育在全国的广泛开展,美育作为素质教育的一个重要方面日益受到人们的重视。新课标提出,音乐教学以审美为核心,它在潜移默化中培养学生的美好情操和健全人格。音乐教育作为实施美育的一个重要途径,培养学生音乐审美能力也就成为落实审美教育目标、全面提高学生素质的关键所在。因此,如何在音乐教学中培养学生的审美能力就是一个值得研究的课题。 本文深入分析了学生音乐审美心理形成和发展的规律,以音乐美、教学美为切入点,结合教学实际,积极探索能够有效地促进学生音乐审美能力形成和发展的策略、方法和途径。 通过研究,本文提出要培养学生的音乐审美能力首先要培养学生的审美意识,学生音乐审美意识的形成和发展,受其审美心理的影响和制约。而音乐审美意识的发展又是审美经验不断积累的过程,它是呈螺旋式发展的。音乐审美感知为音乐审美经验的获取奠定了基础,它为学生进入音乐世界打开了大门。另外,音乐审美想象为学生进入音乐世界插上了翅膀;音乐审美情感使学生用热情体验生命的律动;音乐审美理解使学生领悟人生的真谛;音乐审美创造则进一步延伸了音乐的魅力。音乐审美评价使学生建立科学的评价观、发展观。 在音乐教学中如何培养学生的音乐审美意识、音乐审美感知能力、音乐审美想象能力、音乐审美情感、音乐审美创造能力、音乐审美评价能力来全面提高学生的审美能力是本文的研究重点。本文通过大量文献及课例研究提出了培养学生音乐审美能力的多种途径。
[Abstract]:With the development of quality education in China, aesthetic education, as an important aspect of quality education, has been paid more and more attention. According to the new curriculum standard, the core of music teaching is aesthetics, which cultivates students' good sentiment and sound personality in the process of imperceptible change. Music education as an important way to carry out aesthetic education, the cultivation of students' musical aesthetic ability is the key to implement the goal of aesthetic education and improve students' quality in an all-round way. Therefore, how to cultivate students' aesthetic ability in music teaching is a subject worth studying. This paper deeply analyzes the law of the formation and development of the students' aesthetic psychology of music, taking the beauty of music and the beauty of teaching as the starting point, combining with the teaching practice, actively exploring the strategies that can effectively promote the formation and development of the students' aesthetic ability of music. Methods and approaches Through the research, this paper puts forward that in order to cultivate the students' aesthetic ability of music, the first step is to cultivate the students' aesthetic consciousness. The formation and development of the students' aesthetic consciousness of music are influenced and restricted by their aesthetic psychology. And the development of music aesthetic consciousness is the process of aesthetic experience accumulation, it is spiral development. The aesthetic perception of music lays the foundation for the acquisition of musical aesthetic experience and opens the door for students to enter the music world. In addition, music aesthetic imagination inserts wings for students to enter the music world; music aesthetic emotion makes students experience the rhythm of life with enthusiasm; music aesthetic understanding makes students understand the true meaning of life; Music aesthetic creation further extends the charm of music. The aesthetic evaluation of music enables students to establish a scientific view of evaluation and concept of development. How to cultivate students' musical aesthetic consciousness, musical aesthetic perception ability, musical aesthetic imagination ability, musical aesthetic emotion, musical aesthetic creation ability in music teaching? Music aesthetic evaluation ability to improve students' aesthetic ability is the focus of this paper. This paper puts forward many ways to cultivate students' aesthetic ability of music through a large number of literature and lesson examples.


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