本文关键词:重组装饰材花纹模拟与设计的研究 出处:《北京林业大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 重组装饰材 纹理识别 计算机辅助设计 花纹设计 数学模型
【摘要】: 重组装饰材是一种新型木质装饰材料,它的发展对保护天然林资源,实现速生材的高效利用具有重要的意义。重组装饰材花纹形状的好坏直接影响着产品的质量,因此,本文以其花纹的模拟与设计作为对象,进行研究。 将计算机图像处理技术、计算机辅助设计技术应用到重组装饰材的花纹模拟当中,通过对源图进行矢量识别、优化处理和分析计算,得出生产此花纹所需的模具形状、单板厚度和切削角度等参数;并在此基础上依托三维设计软件进行木方的模拟切削,通过对比分析,得出生产某种花纹的最佳参数配置。研究成果改变了传统的模具生产方式,提高了生产的精确性。 建立了模具形状、单板厚度、组坯方式、切削角度与重组装饰材花纹形状关系的数学模型,并在此模型的基础上,编写了重组装饰材花纹设计程序。应用本程序,只要在界面上输入相关参数,就可以看到相应的纹理形状。 本文的创新之处在于将计算机图像处理、辅助设计、数学建模等方法引入到重组装饰材的花纹模拟和设计中,提出了重组装饰材花纹设计的理念和方法,编制了花纹设计的程序,并进行了实际验证试验。
[Abstract]:Recombinant decorative material is a new type of wood decoration material, its development on the protection of natural forest resources. It is of great significance to realize the efficient utilization of fast growing wood. The pattern shape of reconstituted decorative wood has a direct impact on the quality of the product. Therefore, the simulation and design of the pattern is taken as the research object in this paper. The computer image processing technology and the computer aided design technology are applied to the pattern simulation of the reconstituted decorative material. Through the vector recognition of the source map, the optimization processing and the analysis and calculation are carried out. The mould shape, veneer thickness and cutting angle needed to produce this pattern are obtained. And on this basis, relying on the three-dimensional design software to simulate the cutting of wood, through comparative analysis, the best parameter configuration to produce a certain pattern is obtained. The research results change the traditional mold production mode. The accuracy of production is improved. The mathematical model of the relationship between mold shape, veneer thickness, blank forming mode, cutting angle and pattern shape of reconstituted decorative material was established. The program of pattern design of reconstituted decorative material is written. By using this program, we can see the corresponding texture shape as long as the relevant parameters are input on the interface. The innovation of this paper lies in the introduction of computer image processing, aided design, mathematical modeling and other methods into the pattern simulation and design of reconstituted decorative materials, and the idea and method of pattern design of reconstituted decorative materials are put forward. The program of pattern design is worked out, and the actual verification test is carried out.
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