本文选题:传统装饰纹样 切入点:平面设计 出处:《湖南科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国五千年的历史长河中,历朝历代的祖先们创造出了丰富多彩的纹样,它们以自然间花鸟虫鱼、百草藤蔓等为表现对象,通过平衡、节奏与韵律、动静结合的形式构图以及象征、谐音、暗示等手法构成美妙的章法,内容丰富,寓意吉祥,深受大众喜欢。传统纹样的应用范围极为广泛,,已经成为我们认识陌生企业和个人的象征符号,并且是人与人之间相互联系、认可的中间媒介,是隐形的宣传和演讲者。可见,中国传统装饰纹样在现代平面设计中的创新应用有着重要的借鉴意义。 中国传统装饰纹样的内涵和意义是中国人民长期归纳总结出来的,它是本民族人民所熟悉的特有艺术形式。目前,我们对中国传统装饰纹样还缺乏真正了解,大量原型传统纹样粘贴、复制到平面设计中且设计作品流通于市场各个领域。形象、具体、栩栩如生地运用中国传统装饰纹样与当代的文化、思想、审美观念相融合,使设计产品在阐释民族精神和文化的同时,传承、创新、重塑为既具有传统文化内涵又有现代感的优秀设计作品。 平面设计要发展,就必须以传统文化为基础,深刻认识和参透中国传统装饰纹样在传统设计和现代平面设计中的文化理念和应用价值,使中国传统装饰纹样与当代性的语境结合起来,以本土文化为主,西方先进理念相融合。创作出既符合中国特色社会主义又能达到国际社会要求的平面设计作品。 本文主要通过中国传统装饰纹样在传统平面设计和现代平面设计中的应用特点和审美特征的研究,阐述了中国传统装饰纹样应用于平面设计中的不同时期的时代性特征。明确中国传统装饰纹样应用于现代平面设计中必须与它所处的时代语境相结合。 全文共分为四个章节。第一章,主要阐述中国传统装饰纹样在平面设计应用中的研究背景和意义。第二章,主要介绍中国传统装饰纹样的内涵及其应用。第三章,论述中国传统装饰纹样在现代平面设计中的应用受当代文化、当代审美趣味、商业文化以及高科技的影响。第四章,归纳总结。
[Abstract]:In the long history of five thousand years in China, the ancestors of successive dynasties created rich and colorful patterns. They took natural flowers, birds, insects, fish and vines as their performance objects, through balance, rhythm and rhythm. The combination of static and static forms, as well as symbolism, homophony, hinting and other techniques, constitutes a wonderful composition, rich in content, auspicious and popular. The application of traditional patterns is extremely wide. Has become a symbol of our understanding of unfamiliar businesses and individuals, and a medium of interconnectedness and recognition between people, an invisible propaganda and speaker. The innovative application of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in modern graphic design is of great significance. The connotation and significance of Chinese traditional decorative patterns have been summed up by the Chinese people for a long time. They are unique art forms familiar to the people of this nation. At present, we still lack a real understanding of the Chinese traditional decorative patterns. A large number of archetypal traditional patterns are pasted, copied into the graphic design, and the design works are circulated in all fields of the market. Image, concrete, lifelike use of Chinese traditional decorative patterns and contemporary culture, thought, aesthetic concept fusion, While explaining the national spirit and culture, the design products can be inherited, innovated and reshaped into excellent design works with both traditional cultural connotation and modern feeling. In order to develop graphic design, we must take the traditional culture as the foundation, deeply understand and understand the cultural concept and application value of the Chinese traditional decorative pattern in the traditional design and the modern graphic design. Combining the Chinese traditional decorative patterns with the contemporary context, combining the native culture and the advanced western ideas, we can create graphic design works which not only accord with the socialism with Chinese characteristics but also meet the requirements of the international community. This article mainly through the Chinese traditional decoration pattern in the traditional plane design and the modern plane design application characteristic and the esthetic characteristic research, This paper expounds the characteristics of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in different periods of time in graphic design, and clarifies that the application of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in modern graphic design must be combined with the context of the times in which they are applied. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly describes the research background and significance of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in graphic design. Chapter two, mainly introduces the connotation and application of Chinese traditional decorative patterns. This paper discusses that the application of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in modern graphic design is influenced by contemporary culture, contemporary aesthetic taste, commercial culture and high technology.
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