发布时间:2018-05-11 06:56
本文选题:装饰 + 艺术 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 论文以酒店传统的原始商业文化谈起,作为契机,引出现代酒店装饰文明的人性化及人性化艺术的构想。 文中涉及:社会现状的一般内容(财富、失业、旅游发展、国际化……),,以突出装饰在旅游经济时代对酒店商业的影响……。 渐次又通过透视对目前时尚装饰美化业存在的一些时尚问题,用本人切身的感受予以简要的剖析:如:“老一套,程式化,表现单调……” 从种种现实存在引出人性艺术之我见,用黑氏(黑格尔)哲学辩证法的思想模式来尝试阐述:我个人对人性与美学的观点:恐怖与美、平和与美、性与美、混乱与美……并结合相关的艺术符号:点、线、面的构成法则与装饰艺术实例的剖析等(天顶画、绿化景观布置、浮雕、绘画……)以期见证一种意念中美感的历程……
[Abstract]:This paper takes the traditional commercial culture of hotel as an opportunity to draw the conception of humanization and humanization art of modern hotel decoration civilization. This paper deals with the general contents of social situation (wealth, unemployment, tourism development, internationalization, etc.) in order to highlight the influence of decoration on hotel business in the era of tourism economy. Gradually through the perspective of the current fashion decoration and beautification industry of some fashion problems, with my own personal feelings to give a brief analysis: such as: "old-fashioned, stylized, monotonous performance." This paper tries to expound my view of human nature art from all kinds of reality, and tries to expound it with the thought mode of Hegel's philosophical dialectics: my personal views on human nature and aesthetics: terror and beauty, peace and beauty, sex and beauty, chaos and beauty. And combined with the relevant artistic symbols: points, lines, surface of the composition of the law and decorative art examples of analysis (zenith painting, green landscape layout, relief, painting, etc.) In order to witness a kind of idea in the process of aesthetic feeling.
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1 宁艳杰;城市生态住区基本理论构建及评价指标体系研究[D];北京林业大学;2006年