本文选题:影壁 + 装饰纹样 ; 参考:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 晋商大院是山西省明清时期的民居建筑,其中常家庄园院落更是建筑艺术的突出代表。里面蕴藏着及具文化和艺术价值的三雕作品,以影壁为首的砖雕建筑构件更是文化艺术园林的瑰宝。 影壁作为传统建筑中的构建,由来已久。以其特有的结构形式及构成意义矗立在晋商各个院落之中铎铎生辉。我从文化、风水、功能三因素的角度分析影壁产生的原因,对影壁的形式结构、材料和表现题材做了大略概述,然后针对常家庄园影壁的特殊性进行分析,具体研究了这里影壁的形式结构、放置位置、材料、装饰题材以及常家庄园影壁的装饰特点,民俗文化、风水格局和功能的意义等等。最后对影壁和玄关的借鉴传承关系作了简要分析。无论从原始的分隔、视觉导向的功能意义还是作为元素符号体现在现代建筑中,影壁的功能作用、优美的体态、源远的文化脉络无需我们赘言。这种屹立于常家庄园大门之内或大门之外的一种独立横堵式墙体,是中国古建筑的缩影,也是中国文化在世界文化史上的特殊标志符号。它不单纯地是民居建筑中的一个元素,更是文化的象征,承载了中华民族的历史文脉。 作为历史悠久,拥有五千多年厚重文化积淀的中国山西,无论是科学、人文、还是艺术遗产都有着令人惊艳的研究价值。虽然影壁仅仅是我们需要研究和保护的一小块部分,但它确是古建筑民居中必不可少的元素,它具有观瞻同时也可调节空间的作用。绝对是我们中华建筑文化独树一帜的创造。
[Abstract]:Shanxi Merchants Courtyard is a folk building in Ming and Qing dynasties of Shanxi Province, in which Changjia Manor courtyard is an outstanding representative of architectural art. It contains three sculptures of cultural and artistic value, and the brick building components headed by the shadow wall are the treasures of cultural and artistic gardens. As the construction of traditional architecture, shadow wall has a long history. With its unique structural form and the significance of its composition stands in the Jin merchants in the courtyard of the duo Sheng Hui. I analyze the causes of the shadow wall from the angle of culture, geomantic and function, and give a general overview of the form structure, material and performance theme of the shadow wall, and then analyze the particularity of the shadow wall of Changjia Manor. The formal structure, placement position, material, decoration theme, decoration characteristics, folk culture, geomantic pattern and function of the shadow wall of Changjia Manor are studied in detail. Finally, the relationship between the shadow wall and the gateway is briefly analyzed. Whether from the original separation, visual function or as a symbol of the elements embodied in modern architecture, the function of the shadow wall, beautiful posture, the cultural context of the source need not be discussed. This kind of wall which stands inside or outside the gate of Changjia Manor is the epitome of ancient Chinese architecture and a special symbol of Chinese culture in the history of world culture. It is not only an element in residential architecture, but also a symbol of culture, bearing the historical context of the Chinese nation. Shanxi Province, with a long history and over five thousand years of cultural accumulation, has amazing research value in science, humanities and art heritage. Although the shadow wall is only a small part that we need to study and protect, it is an essential element in the ancient architecture houses. It has the function of viewing and adjusting the space. Absolutely is our Chinese architectural culture unique creation.
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