发布时间:2018-06-28 10:10
本文选题:陇东面具 + 民间艺术 ; 参考:《西安美术学院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:甘肃陇东面具是中国古老的面具文化之一,是中华民族民间艺术的瑰宝,它诉说着民族的故事和传说,谱写着民间艺术的悠久历史。陇东面具的造型夸张,色彩浓烈,形象题材丰富,主题鲜明,是陇东地区民族民间艺术的杰出代表,也是当地民俗的真实写照。 面具本身就是民族的一种图腾,在世界很多地方都有着代表地域或民族的面具图腾,风格各异,材质多样,绘画手法与色彩更是多种多样各不相同。每个面具都有一个故事,面具佩戴在人的脸上,带面具的人便成了面具本身的人物,,面具与人合一共同演绎着天下的故事。提到面具人们会冥想,有神圣祭祀的意味也有巫法鬼神的联想,陇东面具的工匠们制作面具时又会提起哪段历史的传说,这都要让一个个鲜活的面具来述说。 随着时间的流逝,这项民间艺术已开始慢慢的消亡,能传承下来的手工艺人也寥寥无几。本文以考察了解现存的手工艺人和目前尚存的陇东面具的样板为研究依据,结合前人的研究成果,通过从历史、美学、工艺的角度多层次的分析陇东面具,探究其历史渊源与艺术文化根源;通过它不同的造型风格特征,分析其美学蕴意,总结民间艺术的创造观念与审美特点。从艺术设计的角度对陇东面具的现状和未来,对这项民间艺术的传承和保护提出了自己的想法,也延伸出相关的讨论和思考。
[Abstract]:The mask of Gansu Longdong is one of the ancient mask culture of China and the treasure of the folk art of the Chinese nation. It tells the story and legend of the nation and writes the long history of the folk art. The mask of Longdong is an outstanding representative of ethnic folk art and a true portrayal of local folklore. Mask itself is a kind of national totem, in many parts of the world there is a representative region or national mask totem, different styles, material diversity, painting techniques and colors are more diverse and different. Each mask has a story. The mask is worn on the face of the human face, and the mask becomes the character of the mask itself. When it comes to masks, people meditate, there is the meaning of sacred sacrifice, there are associations of witchcraft and gods, and the artisans of masks in Longdong bring up historical legends when they make masks, all of which should be told by one fresh masks. As time went on, the folk art began to die out, and few craftsmen could pass on it. Based on the investigation and understanding of the existing handicrafts and the existing models of Longdong masks, combined with the previous research results, this paper analyzes the masks in Longdong at different levels from the perspective of history, aesthetics and technology. This paper probes into its historical origin and artistic and cultural origin, analyzes its aesthetic implication and summarizes the creative ideas and aesthetic characteristics of folk art through its different stylistic features. From the angle of art design, the author puts forward his own ideas for the inheritance and protection of this folk art, and extends the discussion and thinking about the present situation and the future of the mask in Longdong.
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2 余大喜;日本的面具艺术[J];舞蹈;2000年04期
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