[Abstract]:In the post-industrial society, the rapid development of science and technology dominates the trend of society, resulting in the loss of human subjectivity and the alienation of survival. In the face of all kinds of crises brought about by industrial civilization, the humanistic spirit of emphasizing humanism gradually recovers and influences the transformation of view of science, view of nature and view of society. In recent years, the construction of university library has been influenced by the trend of "rationalism" and "technology first", and the function of using technology has been exaggerated and the humanistic value of architecture has been neglected. However, the architectural design of university library should be a kind of exploration of campus users' life needs. In the design of university library, attention should be paid to the relationship between architecture and people, the relationship between architecture and nature, and the needs and experiences of people. Pay attention to the humanities of architecture. This paper rationally interprets the development course of the university library, summarizes the development trend of the modern university library building, and synthesizes the inner relation between the humanistic spirit and the university library building. And put forward the design method that the university library building integrates the humanities spirit. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Rational interpretation of the library development process and modern library tasks, types and library functional space composition, analysis of the current status of university libraries in China; This paper probes into the development trend of modern university library, analyzes the definition of humanistic spirit, the origin and development of humanistic spirit, and makes a rational analysis of the relationship between humanistic spirit and architectural art design of university library. On this basis, this paper deeply considers some principles of integrating humanistic spirit into modern university library architecture, and studies the concrete methods of architectural human culture design of university library which is integrated with humanistic spirit. For the university library architecture design and research to open up a new vision and provide reference.
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