[Abstract]:Decorative painting is to coordinate with the environment and to beautify the environment for the purpose of art. In the modern living room space environment, the decorative painting with its unique artistic expression form, foils the environment atmosphere, strengthens the space characteristic, adds the esthetic interest, the people's living environment is decorated rich and colorful, has realized the individuality and the environment harmonious unification. Because of this, by the people in the bedroom space widespread application. The artistic effect of decorative painting depends on the application and expression of material. Material is the expression medium of decorative painting. Different material materials affect the visual effect of decorative painting because of its different characteristics and texture forms. Compared with other materials, glass decorative paintings are paid more and more attention to in modern room space environment. This paper makes a deep research on the application of glass materials in decorative paintings, and compares them with other materials. Through the inherent characteristics of glass material, such as transmittance, plasticity and multicolor, the importance of glass material in the room space is explained, and the artistic characteristics of glass decorative painting are combined. To the glass decoration painting in the bedroom space special material decoration effect further display. In this paper, the attention and exploration of glass decorative painting and glass technology is not limited to the theoretical elaboration, the author also carries on the artistic creation and the practice to the glass craft, through the art and the technical union, the author also carries on the artistic creation and the practice, through the art and the technology unifies, Try to find and practice the new visual possibility of glass decorative painting in the living room environment, and play the role of glass material in the modern room space.
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