[Abstract]:In this paper, the components of modern American furniture decorative elements, engraving decorative elements and decorative painting elements for the study of three aspects. This study can further deepen the domestic research on modern American furniture, fill in the lack of systematic research on the decorative elements of modern American furniture, and perfect the theoretical system of modern American furniture research. It can provide guidance for modern American furniture production and provide theoretical basis for independent design and R & D of modern American furniture. By using the method of case analysis and induction, this paper analyzes the morphological characteristics of modern American furniture foot decoration components by summing up the symmetrically geometric and bionic foot components in the foot decoration components. Through the induction and summary of straight leg and curved leg in leg decoration component, the paper analyzes the morphological characteristics of leg decoration component in modern American furniture. The paper summarizes the form components of circular backrest and annular backrest, and analyzes the morphological characteristics of the backrest decoration components of modern American-style furniture chairs: through the induction and summary of flat-top and protruding form components in the top decorative components, This paper analyzes the morphological characteristics of the top decorative components of modern American furniture cabinets, and then obtains the morphological characteristics and usage rules of modern American furniture decoration. Using the method of case analysis and induction, the plant sculpture, animal sculpture and bisquare continuous modeling carving of modern American furniture were studied. By summing up the flower and leaf carving in plant modeling carving, this paper analyzes the morphological characteristics and usage rules of modern American-style furniture plant modeling carving, and summarizes the animal modeling carving, This paper analyzes the morphological characteristics and usage rules of modern American-style furniture animal sculpture, and analyzes the morphological characteristics and usage rules of modern American-style furniture two-square continuous modeling carving by summing up and summarizing the two-square continuous modeling carving of modern American-style furniture. And then get the modern American furniture carving decoration form characteristics and use rules. By using the method of case analysis and induction, this paper summarizes the patterns of the destruction of the substrates in the modern American-style furniture imitating the ancient and the lacquer film making the old effects. This paper analyzes the style characteristics and painting rules of the old treatment effect of modern American-style furniture, which provides the basis for exploring the old-fashioned process of the modern American-style polyurethane paint, and applies the method of experimental analysis. In this paper, the process flow of modern American furniture polyurethane paint is explored, and the quality of paint film is tested. This paper examines the feasibility of the old painting process of modern American furniture polyurethane paint, and then explores the old process flow and its influencing factors of the modern American polyurethane paint. The results show that there are geometric or bionic shapes, linear or stereoscopic forms, carvings and non-carvings, reasonable matching of components and so on. There are separate sculptures and multi-sculpt sculptures, simulation and ideographic representation, symmetry and asymmetrical forms of morphology; in painting decoration, there are two kinds of substrates, the destruction of old materials and the treatment of lacquer film imitation of antiquities. The experimental results show that the physical quality of polyurethane paint is better than that of nitro paint.
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