[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, the creation of regional architecture in China has formed a diversified situation. After entering the new era, it has become more active and open. It not only gradually sees the regional system, but also retains its original achievements at the same time. Many new ideas have been created. The exploration of regional expression of modern architecture in Inner Mongolia region will basically reflect the national tendency of the region by absorbing the characteristics of traditional forms. As a part of Mongolian regional national culture, Mongolian decorative pattern is a visual art form that shows Mongolian national thoughts, emotions and spiritual features, and it is a treasure house of traditional plastic arts which has been precipitated and accumulated in the long historical development process. Its composition, design and subject matter are important means to embody nationality and region. It is an indispensable and important factor to analyze and study them and integrate them into the field of architectural design, which is an indispensable factor for opening up the ideas of architectural creation in Inner Mongolia in the future. By collecting a large number of pictures and characters, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the themes, meanings, creative ideas and application of Mongolian traditional decorative patterns in regional architecture. It mainly takes semiotics as the methodology, clarifies the symbolic meaning of the Mongolian traditional pattern, starts with the deep analysis of the ideographic structure of the pattern symbol, explores the cultural essence behind the symbol, and separates it from the original background. And through the transformation of "modernization", by means of simplified induction, exaggeration or abstract change, giving it new ideas and forms, creating a new structured expression of traditional patterns, it is properly applied in modern architecture. In order to meet the social culture increasingly regional, folk development, with the help of traditional patterns, with the symbol of the materialized form to grasp the significance of national culture.
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