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发布时间:2018-11-20 07:55
[Abstract]:This paper chooses Xizhou Bai nationality traditional residence as the research object, because the Xizhou folk house has abundant exterior wall decoration resources, nationality, tradition and representativeness. Taking the natural environment, social history and human environment of Xizhou as the starting point, this paper sums up the patterns of exterior wall decoration of traditional residential houses in Xizhou, based on the analysis of the reasons for the formation of exterior wall decoration, the types of decoration, and the patterns of decorative contents, etc. Sorting out the representative pattern of Xizhou, as well as the decorative elements with national cultural heritage, and explore the inheritance and evolution of the exterior wall decoration in Xizhou and Shacun. The full text is divided into three parts: the first part is the introduction, which is a brief description of the reason of the topic, the research status, purpose, significance and the natural environment of Xizhou, social history and the traditional building wood carving, stone carving, brick decoration. Clay sculptures, decals and other decorative technology overview. The second part is the conclusion and focus, divided into two chapters to discuss, is the third and fifth chapters. The third chapter discusses the exterior wall decoration of Xizhou folk residence in detail, which is the main part of the paper, the building part and its unique decorative elements; Xizhou and Shacun contrast to find the traditional exterior wall decoration elements and evolution style. The fifth chapter in the paper arrangement, the analysis process of thinking, mainly reflected in the inheritance of traditional culture, how to better inherit the traditional culture and other nationalities, residential development of public decoration space, Xizhou residential exterior wall decoration provides a case for inspiration. The third part is the fourth chapter of this paper, which discusses the causes of the exterior wall decoration of Xizhou Bai nationality traditional folk residence, respectively from the social foundation, the economic foundation and the source of decoration creation to explain the reasons for the formation of the exterior wall decoration of the Xizhou traditional folk house.


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