发布时间:2018-12-30 19:34
【摘要】: 本文根据北方地区见于资料报道的163座有装饰宋墓,参考北方地区自然地理分布和北方宋墓的分期,对北方宋墓装饰进行分区、分期。在总结各区墓葬装饰的阶段性、区域性特征基础上,通过文化因素分析的手段,探讨各区墓葬装饰之间的关系及其在题材布局、构成、装饰技法方面呈现出的总体特征。分析这些特征产生的自然地理、历史传统、社会背景等原因。揭示北方宋墓装饰在对逝者“地下居室”的构建,对逝者的供奉和对生者的教化方面发挥特有的功效。并透过北方宋墓装饰内容,折射出部分宋代社会风俗,包括家庭陈设风尚、宴饮观戏的家内生活、居民出行方式、经济生活和民间丧葬习俗等。这部分真实的历史材料,为我们更进一步把握宋代社会的整体面貌提供一定的帮助!
[Abstract]:According to 163 decorated Song tombs reported in the northern region, this paper classifies and classifies the Northern Song tombs with reference to the natural geographical distribution in the northern regions and the stages of the northern Song tombs. On the basis of summing up the stages and regional features of the tombs decoration in various districts, this paper, by means of cultural factor analysis, probes into the general characteristics of the relationship among the tombs decoration in each district, its theme layout, composition and decorative techniques. Analysis of these characteristics of the natural geography, historical tradition, social background and other reasons. It is revealed that the tomb decoration in the Northern Song Dynasty plays a special role in the construction of the "underground room" of the deceased, the worship of the deceased and the enlightenment of the living. And through the Northern Song Dynasty tomb decoration, reflects some of the Song Dynasty social customs, including family furnishings, banquet and play in the home life, residents travel way, economic life and folk funeral customs and so on. This part of the real historical materials for us to further grasp the overall face of the Song Dynasty society to provide some help!
[Abstract]:According to 163 decorated Song tombs reported in the northern region, this paper classifies and classifies the Northern Song tombs with reference to the natural geographical distribution in the northern regions and the stages of the northern Song tombs. On the basis of summing up the stages and regional features of the tombs decoration in various districts, this paper, by means of cultural factor analysis, probes into the general characteristics of the relationship among the tombs decoration in each district, its theme layout, composition and decorative techniques. Analysis of these characteristics of the natural geography, historical tradition, social background and other reasons. It is revealed that the tomb decoration in the Northern Song Dynasty plays a special role in the construction of the "underground room" of the deceased, the worship of the deceased and the enlightenment of the living. And through the Northern Song Dynasty tomb decoration, reflects some of the Song Dynasty social customs, including family furnishings, banquet and play in the home life, residents travel way, economic life and folk funeral customs and so on. This part of the real historical materials for us to further grasp the overall face of the Song Dynasty society to provide some help!
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