[Abstract]:The eye is a window of the soul, and for the building window it is the heart and the eye. The window in traditional Chinese architecture not only has the function of ventilation and heat dissipation, but also closely combines with the traditional culture, which makes the window have the unique aesthetic function. At the same time, it also plays the role of separation, transition, guidance, penetration space and so on. Traditional window pattern is used in every field of design as a kind of graphic symbol. This paper focuses on the art, folk custom, humanistic spirit, visual illusion and morphological function of the broken window in the Zhuozhengyuan, and focuses on the research on the art, folk custom, humanistic spirit, visual illusion and morphological function of the broken window. The author has read a large number of books on the history and aesthetics of the garden, to understand the historical and cultural background of the garden and its historical vicissitudes, and to collect, take pictures and measure the windows of the garden. Contrast and then carry on the following exploration: select some representative leakage window to carry on the discussion emphatically, elaborate the unique landscape effect that the window leaks create, the space meaning; To classify and analyze the design beauty and cultural significance, such as natural symbol, plant symbol, animal symbol, utensil symbol, character symbol and so on. Combining with Chinese traditional cultural thoughts, this paper probes into the aesthetic taste, folk custom connotation and the philosophical thought of Chinese ancients by analyzing the aesthetic taste, folk custom connotation and ancient Chinese philosophy. Finally, through the research and analysis, the unique value and significance of the broken window are obtained, and the form, symbol extraction and application of the window are carried out, and the reference and influence to the modern design are analyzed.
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