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发布时间:2018-01-08 02:18

  本文关键词:颍上花鼓灯的调查与研究 出处:《兰州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 花鼓灯 花鼓灯音乐 社会功能 保护

【摘要】: 花鼓灯作为安徽省民间艺术之一,在江淮这片土地上散发着奇特的光辉。汉族民间歌舞艺术的特点在花鼓灯的载体下表现的淋漓尽致,对我国民族民间音乐的发展起到了推动作用。本文在遵循花鼓灯艺术的前提下,对花鼓灯的一个分支——流传于颍上周边地区的花鼓灯做了更详细的论述。目前关于花鼓灯研究其对象都是基于整个安徽省的花鼓灯,并没有把它按照流派来进行划分,本文就是从分支上面来把握这一点。对安徽花鼓灯颍上这一区域的花鼓灯流派做了详细的调查与研究。其中着力于以下几个方面的研究: 首先就本文的选题意义、选题背景、以及相关领域的研究成果展开了讨论。颍上花鼓灯作为安徽花鼓灯的一个分支有它自己独特的风格特点,对于它的历史渊源和发展情况本文都作了详细论述。此外,对花鼓灯的音乐和舞蹈进行了调查和研究,在音乐方面主要从灯歌、锣鼓和后场小戏三个方面进行了论述,舞蹈是花鼓灯的主要构成部分,舞蹈中包括“大花场”,“小花场”和盘鼓。 其次主要通过田野法、访谈法对颍上花鼓灯老艺人以及社会团体进行考察和研究。最后在历时性总结和现时性研究之后,向人们论述了颍上花鼓灯目前面临的现状以及针对这种现状所要采取的保护措施。 综上所述,出于对民族民间艺术的热爱及现实的使命感,通过对颍上区域花鼓灯的调查和研究,提出了保护性的措施,非物质文化遗产的保护活动已被国家作为重要建设项目之一,希望本文的写作为当地政府的有关部门对保护花鼓灯提供智力支持和政策参考。
[Abstract]:Huagudeng as one of Anhui folk art, in the land of the exudes a strange light. The characteristics of the Han nationality folk dance art in the carrier of flower drum lantern performance of the most incisive, to promote the development of China's folk music. This paper follows the principle of the flower drum lantern art, a branch the flower drum Lantern - huagudeng spread among Yingshang area in more detail in this paper. The current study on flower drum lantern is the huagudeng based on Anhui Province, it not to be divided in accordance with the genre, this article is from the branch above to grasp this point. Detailed investigation and research do to Anhui huagudeng this region Yingshang huagudeng genre. Research focus on the following aspects of the:
Firstly, the significance of this topic, research background, research results and related fields are discussed. Yingshang huagudeng as a branch of Anhui huagudeng has its unique features, the history and the development of it are discussed in detail. In addition, the drum music and dance the investigation and study, in music mainly from the three aspects of songs, drums and opera backcourt are discussed, the dance is the main part of huagudeng, including the "big flower field" dance, "flowers" and the drum set.
Secondly, through field interviews, investigation and study of Yingshang huagudeng old artist and social groups. Finally, after a summary and the research, discusses the current situation of Yingshang huagudeng is currently facing to the people and for this situation to take protective measures.
To sum up, for the love and the reality of folk art of the mission, through the investigation and research of regional Yingshang huagudeng, puts forward protective measures, protection of intangible cultural heritage has been one of the important construction project, I hope this writing as the relevant departments of the local government to provide protection of huagudeng intelligence support and policy reference.



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1 王哲;临清时调研究[D];河南师范大学;2011年




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