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发布时间:2018-01-09 03:10

  本文关键词:胶州秧歌的传统与现在 出处:《山东师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 胶州秧歌 历史演变 艺术特征

【摘要】:秧歌,是中国民歌舞艺术中最广泛、最丰富的艺术表现形式之一。在全国各个地区都有其具有特色的秧歌形式,如陕北秧歌、东北秧歌以及南方流行的“英歌”,都属于“秧歌”这一类型,都是在“秧歌”中派生的艺术形式。在山东,民间舞蹈的蕴藏丰富,绚丽多姿,胶州秧歌、海阳秧歌、鼓子秧歌并称为山东的三大秧歌。而胶州秧歌,以其独特的风格、精湛的技艺,婷婷玉立于丰姿秀美的汉族民间舞苑之中。几百年来,它代代相传,盛景不衰,深受人民的喜爱。 胶州秧歌,俗称“秧沟”,又称“地秧歌”、“跑秧歌”,民间称“扭断腰”、“三道弯”,,是山东三大秧歌之一,是一种深受人民群众喜爱的民间舞蹈形式,广泛流传于胶东地区,仅文字记载有近三个世纪的历史。 舞戏结合的胶州秧歌萌生于乡土,活跃于民间,拥有独特的风格特征和广泛的群众基础,保持着浓郁的乡土气息。其艺术生命绵延不断,久盛不衰。 任何一种民间舞蹈都蕴涵着一个民族的历史、性格、情趣和审美观念,又反映着社会及时代的风气和艺术潮流的动向。各个民族的文化特质和深层积淀的民族精神,总是透过传统民间歌舞鲜明的风格特征而留下深深的印迹。由此可以看到,胶州秧歌有其重要的研究价值,其生长的环境、地域,人民的心理,以及风格独特的动作类型,都值得我们进一步探讨。 本文通过对胶州秧歌传统与现在的分析,本体及艺术特征的分析,使这一土生土长的民间艺术形式,活生生的立在我们面前,不禁让我们有种莫名的冲动和强烈的探索。作为一名高校的从事专业舞蹈教学的老师,多年来的学习和教学实践的积累,更对山东本土的民间舞蹈形式——胶州秧歌产生了独特的感情。相信全面而又准确的探究胶州秧歌,传承而又有创新的传播胶州秧歌,坚实而又有力的保护胶州秧歌,作为非物质文化遗产的胶州秧歌一定会迎来她的“复兴”之路,为中国艺术事业的繁荣辉煌贡献新元素和新力量。
[Abstract]:Chinese folk dance yangko dance, is one of the most widely, the most abundant form of artistic expression. Has its distinctive yangko dance form in various parts of the country, such as the northeast and South Shaanxi yangko dance, yangko dance popular "English song", "all belong to this type, are in the" Yangko Dance "yangko dance" is derived the form of art. In Shandong, the folk dance is rich, colorful, Jiaozhou yangko dance, Haiyang yangko dance, drum yangko dance and called three. Shandong and Jiaozhou yangko dance yangko dance, with its unique style, exquisite craftsmanship, beautiful beauty show in Tingtingyuli folk dance in Han Yuan for hundreds of years. It is not bad, spectacular, be handed down from age to age, loved by the people.
Jiaozhou yangko dance, commonly known as "Yang Gou", also called "yangko dance", "run," said the folk yangko dance "twist waist", "three bends", Shandong is one of the three major is a popular yangko dance, by people's folk dance form, widely circulated in the Jiaodong area, only the writingrecord has nearly three centuries of history.
According to the Jiaozhou yangko dance dance drama was born in local folk adorable, and has unique characteristics and extensive mass foundation, maintain a strong local flavor. Its artistic life continues, the unfailing.
Any kind of folk dance contains a nation's history, personality, temperament and aesthetic ideas, but also reflects the trend of social and historical culture and art trend. Each nation's cultural characteristics and the deep accumulation of national spirit, always through the style and features of traditional folk dancebright leave deep impression. It can be see, Jiaozhou yangko dance has its important research value, the growth of the regional environment, people's psychology, as well as the unique style the movement type, are worthy of our further study.
This article through to the Jiaozhou yangko dance tradition and the present analysis, analysis of ontology and artistic features, the indigenous folk art form, living in front of us, so that we can not help but have a sense of impulse and intense exploration. As a professional dance teaching teacher in a university, years of learning and the teaching practice of the accumulation of more of Shandong local folk dance form in Jiaozhou yangko dance have unique feelings. I believe a comprehensive and accurate research of Jiaozhou yangko dance, the inheritance and has the innovation dissemination of Jiaozhou yangko dance, Jiaozhou yangko dance is solid and strong protection, as the intangible cultural heritage of Jiaozhou yangko dance will usher in her "Renaissance" the road to the prosperity of art Chinese brilliant contributions to the new elements and new power.



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1 唐栋;;胶州秧歌的文化特征及健身价值探析[J];芒种;2013年17期




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