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发布时间:2018-01-12 19:15

  本文关键词:舞者的二度创作体验与思考 出处:《舞蹈》2015年07期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 二度创作 舞蹈演员 舞蹈作品 人物性格 人物形象 精神面貌 人物刻画 意象化 民族舞蹈 社会生活

[Abstract]:The relationship between the actor and the works are (a) is the material carrier of actor dance works is the most important by the stage, music, props, lighting, etc. the main actors express ideas and emotions, the art of social life. The dancer is to body movements, posture and composition changes as the main means to form the character the thoughts and feelings, shaping the character and spirit. In dance works, dance is the dance works of the main body, if a dance works no stage, no music, no lights, no props, only to have the actor, this is a work of dance

【正文快照】: HUBHRHPH1 NB谷,:品。相反,如果什么都有就是没有演员那就不能你:为舞蹈:舞蹈就足通过演w的Qf4M;n'i^H^'!rrr;V,::'暮 十.静墨._,姊,!.汕H_,'心::媝'.⑴u;'.-■"-',r.,r-i:.:-1;. |:|:;f.?1*^| I;|!:.... . ■■ ' . - . .NB.i.....-考*‘ 丨奶R%测_fl^灥-n、形象.舞蹈Wri■■


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1 李先叶;浅谈呼吸与声乐作品的二度创作[J];内蒙古艺术;2003年01期

2 施敏;论声乐教学中二度创作的培养[J];齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2003年06期

3 张竹岩;;歌唱艺术的二度创作[J];艺术百家;2005年06期

4 黄e,




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