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发布时间:2018-01-16 17:35

  本文关键词:广场舞对中年女性睡眠质量影响的调查研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 广场舞 中年女性 睡眠质量 抑郁 焦虑

[Abstract]:Objective: square dance, as the most popular mass sports event, has its unique charm. Middle-aged women are the largest group to participate in square dance exercise. Their importance in society and family urges us to pay more attention to their physical and mental health. The purpose of this paper is to explore and understand the effects of square dancing on the sleep quality of middle-aged women aged 45-59 years. Methods: Pittsburgh Sleep quality Index (PSQI) and somnolence scale (ESS) were used. Self rating Depression scale (SDS). Self rating anxiety scale (SAS). And self-made general project questionnaire, 300 square dance participants and 300 non-square dance participants aged 45-59 in Shijiazhuang city were tested. The participants were independent or assisted by others within a specified time. Complete the questionnaire. The collected questionnaires were collected and recorded into the computer, and the descriptive analysis was carried out by using SPSS, and the Spearman correlation analysis was carried out. The score of somnolence was 6.46 卤2.22, which was lower than that of non-participants (9.49 卤3.36). The total PSQI score of participants in square dance was 7.20 卤2.47. It was lower than that of non-participants (9.24 卤3.78) (P0.01). The participants of square dance had better sleep quality, shorter sleep time and less sleep disturbance than non-participants. Hypnotic drugs were taken in the study. 37.3% of the non-participants in the square dance had poor sleep quality. The SAS standard of non-participants in square dance was 41.36 卤6.36. The anxiety rate of non-participants in square dance was significantly higher than that of square dance participants (35.93 卤4.98 p 0.01), and the incidence of anxiety in square dance non-participants was higher than that in square dance participants (36.0%). However, only 19.3% square dance participants had anxiety symptoms, and the difference was statistically significant. The SDS standard for non-participants in square dance was 45.39 卤7.66. The incidence of depression in non-participants in square dance was significantly higher than that in square dance participants (37.96 卤4.98 p 0.01), and the incidence of depression in square dance non-participants was higher than that in square dance participants (28.3%). Only 15.3% of the participants in the square dance had depressive symptoms, and the difference was statistically significant (p 0.01) conclusion: 1. The total PSQI score of middle-aged female square dance participants was significantly lower than that of non-square dance participants. The results showed that the participants of square dance had better sleep quality and lower incidence of sleep disorders. Square dance exercise could effectively improve and improve the sleep quality of middle-aged women and alleviate the sleep problems of middle-aged women with menopausal syndrome. Square dance exercise can effectively reduce psychological stress, relieve anxiety and depression of middle-aged women, and improve their sleep quality.


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