[Abstract]:By observing the physiological particularity and behavior habits of hearing impaired people (hereinafter referred to as hearing-impaired persons), this paper combines sign language, a communication tool in their life, with hand dance, and fuses and creates their own dance. On the one hand, we try to help people with hearing loss feel dance better, show dance and let more people understand sign language culture. More importantly, the unique personality language of sign language and dance are skillfully combined to find the significance of special education for the deaf and the arts in the editing and creation, so that the editing and creation get a higher level of thought sublimation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of sign language in choreography of hearing-impaired people. Firstly, through the study of the art of sign language and hand dance, combined with the analysis of its form and function, the application and presentation of sign language and hand dance are accurate and clear. Explore the present situation and development of hand dance in the fusion and refinement of the two. It also puts forward how to use the richness of sign language to create realistic characters and express their emotions. The diversity of sign language dance is established by combining sign language rhythmization in editing. Dance language uses the posture and rhythm of hand dance to present narrative reappearance and lyric expression. Combined with the method and method of creation, the author analyzes the application of hand dance and the meaning of the language of hand dance in the book "Hello Baby", and then makes a deep research on the combination of culture and dance of hearing-impaired people. At the same time, it explores the cultural significance and aesthetic quality of sign language dance, and accumulates experience for the dance emotion expression of deaf people. In practice, the use of sign language and hand dance in editing and creation is discussed in detail, and the process of editing and creation is elaborated. Finally, it discusses the significance of sign language in the creation of dance for the hearing-impaired, as well as the related artistic and social value.
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