[Abstract]:Yang Liping's "Yunnan Yingxiang" deeply excavates and refines the "original ecological" factors of Yunnan minority music and dance, and presents us with an unprecedented art feast. The form of expression is incorporated into the modern elements of the city, and the ancient folk art is presented in the modern people's life with the stage skills of the modern times, showing its great artistic implication and important artistic value. More in line with the aesthetic needs of the contemporary public and aesthetic desire. It deeply excavates the local characteristics of ancient culture, integrates the academic connotation of folk dance, the ancient forms of expression and the unique charm of art to create a new world for folk and folk art. For the national folk dance in the Chinese dance culture diversity pattern of revitalization, made pioneering contributions. The main frame of this paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the background and attributes of the creation of the large-scale song and dance collection Yunnan reflection. In the natural ecology, the space for the exploitation of various kinds of resources is becoming narrower and smaller, and the natural ecology is facing a crisis. Therefore, it evokes people's awareness of the protection of the "original ecology" resources. Secondly, the social changes have led to the cultural transformation. Pursuing the primitive return of the internal spirit of the nation has become an important guide of the contemporary aesthetic consciousness, and the malpractice of paying attention to the external materialization of the cultural model has surfaced. The loss of national traditional cultural heritage evokes people from all walks of life to pay attention to and excavate the "original ecology" resources. In the second and third sections of the first part, the author summarizes the concept theory of "original ecology" and the artistic practice of "original ecology", and expounds the origin and evolution of the concept of "original ecology". In the second part, the author summarizes the creative process and the characteristics of "original ecology" of the whole works of "Yunnan reflection", and then excavates the unique artistic language from the perspective of the creation technology of "Yunnan reflection". The third part is the key chapter of the paper, "Yunnan Yingxiang" a large number of folk dance from the folklore ceremony, the whole song and dance concentration, life farming, totem belief, worship gods, festival commemoration, The folklore ritual such as praying for the blessing of war runs through all the time. The thesis abstracts the ritual origin and the ritual characteristic of the song and dance concentrated on the original music and dance in "Yunnan Yingxiang". Finally, the five key scenes of the content of ideas to be combed. The fourth part is the macro outlook of the large-scale singing and dancing collection "Yunnan reflection", which is the reproduction of the "original ecology" culture, and the self-conscious presentation of the national culture under the development of society, through successful commercial performances. In the cultural market, the national cultural resources are successfully transformed into the national cultural capital, thus the "double win" of social and economic benefits is obtained.
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