[Abstract]:Since the emergence of Chinese sports dance group dance in 1993, it has been deeply loved by the majority of dancers. The sports dance group dance has gradually been accepted and recognized, and gradually developed in various major sports dance competitions, and more participants participated in it. Sports dance group dance team continues to grow, the level of the team is also increasing year by year. Group standard dance attracts more and more attention from dancers. As a kind of sports dance competition, the group standard dance gets the final evaluation by the final score, and the score is determined by many factors. The most important factor affecting the performance of the group standard dance competition is the constituent element of the complete set of movements. Therefore, this paper analyzes and compares the constituent elements of group standard dance sets, which has important guiding significance for the improvement of the arrangement ability, quality and level of group standard dance. Based on the methods of literature, video analysis, mathematical statistics, expert interview and comparative analysis, this paper analyzes and compares the complete sets of the first three teams of the standard dance team of the WDSF World Sports Dance Grand Prix from 2013 to 2015. From the aspects of arrangement structure, formation change, action application, music choice, theme style element, time and space element, the tacit degree of dance partner, dress and color collocation, this paper deeply discusses the related elements of group standard dance choreography. Some suggestions are put forward to further improve the arrangement of group standard dance. The results show that under the definite theme, through the rational use of the arrangement structure, the formation changes of the group dance are enriched, especially the asymmetric formation changes are enhanced, and the music with bright theme, perfect structure and various elements is chosen. Focusing on the integration of time and space elements in the arrangement process, as well as other factors, such as clothing and color matching, the degree of tacit understanding between dance partners, etc., is conducive to enhancing the standard dance arrangement level of the team. Enhance the artistic and ornamental quality of the group standard dance. In addition, through the analysis of foreign group standard dance, it provides some reference for the choreography and innovation of group dance in our country. Finally, on the basis of summarizing the research of group standard dance choreography, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the arrangement of group standard dance from the aspects of aesthetic design principle, arrangement innovation, formation change, and the comprehensive quality of choreographers and athletes.
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