本文关键词:合作原则视角下《海狼》的汉译研究 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:如今,越来越多的语用学理论被应用于翻译,其中,规范交际双方语言行为的合作原则为翻译研究提供了独特视角。然而,现今翻译界对于合作原则的研究主要集中在对话上,,对文学作品,尤其是诸如环境描写、心理描写在内的非对话成分的研究相对较少。有鉴于此,本文运用合作原则评析《海浪》两部中译本的翻译质量,研究合作原则在文学翻译中的应用。 人类在交际活动中,总会有意识无意识地互相合作以达成共同的交流目标,此规律亦适用于文学翻译。但翻译作为一个跨文化的交流过程,其合作流程在原作者、目标语读者和译者的三方参与下变得更加复杂。译者为忠实传达原文信息,须同时与作者和目标语读者合作跨越文化语言障碍。 本文首先探讨了跨文化交流中的合作过程,接着重新诠释了合作原则及其四准则在文学翻译中的内涵,然后对杰克.伦敦的著作《海狼》的两个中译本进行对比赏析,探究合作原则对于文学翻译的指导作用。 研究表明,在文学翻译中,合作原则旨在实现原作者与目标语读者间的顺畅交流,四原则则从不同方面对译者提出了具体要求。一般而言,译者应尽量遵守四准则,但若因文化语言差异而不得已违反某些准则,其应以保证合作顺利进行为首要目标对准则进行取舍。 本文希望通过对合作原则在翻译中的应用研究,拓展翻译研究的范围,提高文学翻译的质量。
[Abstract]:Now, more and more pragmatic theory is applied to translation, which provides a unique perspective of the cooperative principle standard communication language behavior for translation studies. However, research on the cooperative principle of current translation mainly focus on dialogue, to the literary works, especially as the environment description, the psychological description of research on non dialogue components the relatively small. In view of this, this paper uses the cooperation principle of translation of two Chinese versions of < > wave, application of cooperative principle in literary translation.
In human communication, always consciously or unconsciously cooperate with each other to achieve common communication goal, this law is also applicable to literary translation. But the translation as a cross-cultural communication process, the cooperation process in the original author, translator and target readers three party participation has become more and more complex. For the faithful translator to convey the original information, should also cooperate with the author and the target readers across cultural language barriers.
This paper first discusses the cross cultural exchanges in the process of cooperation, then redefines the connotation of cooperative principle and its four maxims in literary translation, and then to Jack. London's writings "sea wolf > two Chinese versions of the comparison of the cooperative principle, explore for literary translation guide.
Research shows that in literary translation, the principle of cooperation to achieve smooth communication between the original author and the target readers, four principles for translators from different aspects of the proposed specific requirements. Generally speaking, the translator should follow the four principles, but because of cultural differences in language but do not violate certain criteria, it should be to ensure the cooperation smoothly led to target selection of standards.
This paper hopes to expand the scope of translation studies and improve the quality of literary translation through the study of the application of the principle of cooperation in translation.
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