本文关键词:马克思主义文艺理论现实主义理论研究 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:马克思主义文艺理论是随着马克思主义的产生而产生,并随着马克思主义的发展而发展的。同时,马克思主义文艺理论的现实主义是随着马克思主义文艺理论而产生并发展至今的一种思想流派。论文中,竭尽所能的阐述了马克思主义的改革、创新与传承的不断前进的辩证规律。同时也阐述了对于学习与研究文学艺术理论中的领导作用。还着重论述马克思主义文艺理论的历史背景、诞生与发展及马克思文艺现实主义的诞生、基本概念、特点及历史影响力等。并且作出了理论研究,同时指出文学艺术的批评文学研究中的巨大影响。还贯彻到底的阐述了马克思主义文艺现实主义的概念。 本文由两部分内容构成。第一部分,由马克思主义文学理论的现实主义的诞生及基本概念、基本特点等两方面来解析。第二部分,根据马克思主义文艺理论的现实主义的广泛流传和接受情况,将分为国内影响和国外影响两方面来解析。
[Abstract]:Marxist theory of literature and art is produced with the emergence of Marxism, and with the development of Marxism. At the same time. The realism of Marxist theory of literature and art is a kind of school of thought which comes into being and develops up to now along with the theory of Marxist literature and art. In this paper, we try our best to expound the reform of Marxism. The dialectical law of innovation and inheritance. At the same time, it expounds the leading role in the study and research of literature and art theory, and emphasizes on the historical background of Marxist literary theory. Birth and development and the birth of Marx literary realism, the basic concept, characteristics and historical influence, etc., and made a theoretical study. At the same time, it points out the great influence in the study of critical literature of literature and art, and expounds the concept of Marxist literary realism in the end. This article is composed of two parts. The first part, the birth of the Marxist literary theory of realism and the basic concept, basic characteristics and other aspects to analyze. The second part. According to the widespread spread and acceptance of realism in Marxist literary theory, it will be divided into two aspects: domestic influence and foreign influence.
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