发布时间:2018-01-03 16:03
本文关键词:主体论视角下《诗经》两个英译本的对比研究 出处:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:纵观中西翻译史,翻译研究的重点集中在原作者和源文本上,而译者往往被置于一个边缘化的地位。在翻译过程中,译者被要求忠实于原文和原作者,以至于掩盖了译者的主体性,看不见译者在翻译活动中的作用。直到翻译研究中文化转向的出现,译者的主体性才得到了应有的重视,而翻译主体研究也逐渐走向深入。 《诗经》作为我国历史上第一部诗歌总集,是中华民族不朽的文化经典,也是世界文化的宝贵遗产。由于其重要的历史文化地位,《诗经》从十八世纪至今已被翻译成众多英文译本,其中当属英国汉学家理雅各和中国翻译家许渊冲的译本最具有代表性。因此,本文选取了理雅各和许渊冲的两个译本进行对比研究,旨在从译者主体性视角下探索两位译者在翻译《诗经》过程中出现的差异及其原因。 根据翻译主体研究的历史及现状,本文从译者在传统翻译研究中的地位着手,分析了译者主体性的显现和兴起,并详细阐述了译者主体性的涵义及其在翻译活动中的重要性。接下来介绍了《诗经》的篇章结构与传统分类,对《诗经》英译历史中的著名译本作了简要概述。针对所选取的两个译本,本文分别从译者背景和翻译思想两个部分进行了分析。然后,本文将译者主体性的相关理论应用于译本比较上,结合具体例证,主要从译者的翻译目的和目标读者、译者的翻译环境和翻译过程、译者对词语选择和语言形式的运用三个方面对比两个译本,分析了译者主体性因素在这两个译本中的具体体现。 最后,本文得出在翻译活动中,译者的主体地位不可忽视,译者决定主体性的发挥,其译者主体性贯穿于整个翻译过程。作为原作者和目标读者之间的桥梁,译者是翻译过程中最活跃的因素。而译者主体性的体现是富于创造性的,在译者主体性的影响之下,最终形成了各具特色的不同译本。因此译者主体性应该得到充分的发挥,以达到翻译的更好效果。
[Abstract]:Throughout the history of translation between China and the West, translation studies have focused on the original author and the source text, while the translator is often marginalized. In the process of translation, the translator is required to be faithful to the original text and the original author. So that the translator's subjectivity is concealed and the translator's role in translation activities is not seen until the emergence of cultural turn in translation studies, the translator's subjectivity has received due attention. However, the study of translation subjects is gradually deepening. The Book of songs, as the first poetry collection in the history of China, is the immortal cultural classic of the Chinese nation and the precious heritage of the world culture, because of its important historical and cultural status. The Book of songs has been translated into many English versions since 18th century, among which the most representative versions are those of English Sinologist James Lee and Chinese translator Xu Yuanchong. This paper makes a comparative study of the two versions of James and Xu Yuanchong in order to explore the differences and their causes in the process of translating the Book of songs from the perspective of the translator's subjectivity. Based on the history and current situation of the subject study, this paper analyzes the emergence and emergence of the translator's subjectivity from the perspective of the translator's position in the traditional translation studies. The meaning of the translator's subjectivity and its importance in translation activities are expounded in detail. Then the text structure and traditional classification of the Book of songs are introduced. This paper gives a brief overview of the famous translation of the Book of songs in its English translation history, and analyzes the two selected versions from the perspective of the translator's background and translation thought. This paper applies the theory of translator's subjectivity to the comparison of the translation, combining with concrete examples, mainly from the translator's translation purpose and target readers, the translator's translation environment and the translation process. The translator contrasts the two versions in terms of choice of words and use of language forms, and analyzes the concrete embodiment of the translator's subjective factors in the two versions. Finally, the thesis concludes that the translator's subjectivity should not be ignored in translation activities. The translator determines the subjectivity of the translator and his translator's subjectivity runs through the whole translation process, which acts as a bridge between the original author and the target reader. The translator is the most active factor in the process of translation, and the embodiment of the translator's subjectivity is creative, under the influence of the translator's subjectivity. Therefore, the translator's subjectivity should be brought into full play in order to achieve a better translation effect.
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