本文关键词:论翻译美学视角下的李白诗歌英译 出处:《广西大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 诗歌翻译是一个特殊的艺术门类,它与文学创作相通,却又有其独特的审美原则、艺术内涵和方法技巧。笔者认为,运用美学理论探索诗歌翻译,对于更好地理解翻译活动有着积极而深刻的意义,对提高诗歌翻译水平具有实际指导意义。因此,本文以诗歌翻译的审美本质为中心,从美学角度分析了翻译中的审美客体(原作与译作)和审美主体(译者与读者),在整体分析唐诗的特征及具体分析李白诗歌的独特魅力的基础上,提出了对古诗译者的要求。译者不仅应通晓中国古诗的特征,而且要了解英诗的要求,同时在译诗之前,要从各个方面对原诗进行细致地理解和体会,包括诗体形式、诗的创作背景及诗人的人生经历等。只有译者真正体会到原诗的无限美感,才有可能将此美感在译文中传达出来。在此分析的基础上,笔者还进一步地提出了认识“三美”理论应区分两层概念:“广义上的三美再现”与“狭义上的三美失现”。此外,通过对中国读者与外国读者所做的问卷调查,笔者提出为译诗加注释的翻译补偿手段:即为译诗配上说明性文字附于其后,包括原诗的创作背景、诗人生平、诗中所涉及的文化现象、典故等,以帮助外国读者更好地理解唐诗、更好地体会其中之美、更好地了解博大精深的中国文化,从而真正达到翻译唐诗的目的:把唐诗这块中国文化的瑰宝介绍给更多的人,把中国的文化介绍给世界。 本文共分五个章节,第一章为引言部分,主要介绍了美学与译学(包括西方译学及中国传统译论)联姻的发展历史,简述了中国古诗英译的大致发展过程。第二章介绍了与翻译美学相关的理论概念。第三章与第四章是本文的重点部分,第三章详细分析了诗歌翻译的审美客体:原诗与译诗,重点介绍了中国古诗与英诗的特征与要求并有针对性地评价了一些李白诗歌的英译。第四章论述了翻译中的审美主体:译者与读者,分析了翻译中译者的地位、审美观、审美能力、审美活动及读者的重要性,并采用问卷的形式对中西方读者审美品味进行了研究。第五章为全文的结论,提出作者的一些观点,望为引玉之砖,为从翻译美学角度研究诗歌翻译尽微薄之力。
[Abstract]:Poetry translation is a special category of art, which is similar to literary creation, but also has its unique aesthetic principles, artistic connotations and methodological techniques. It has positive and profound significance for better understanding of translation activities and has practical guiding significance for improving the level of poetry translation. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the aesthetic nature of poetry translation. From the perspective of aesthetics, this paper analyzes the aesthetic object (original and translated) and aesthetic subject (translator and reader) in translation, on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of Tang poetry as a whole and the unique charm of Li Bai's poems. The translator should not only know the characteristics of the ancient Chinese poetry, but also understand the requirements of the English poem, at the same time, he should understand and understand the original poem from various aspects before translating the poem. Only if the translator truly understands the infinite beauty of the original poem, it is possible to convey the aesthetic feeling in the translation. On the basis of this analysis, it is possible to convey the aesthetic feeling in the translated text, including the poetic form, the background of the poem's creation and the poet's life experience. The author further puts forward that the theory of "three beauties" should be divided into two concepts: "the reproduction of three beauty in the broad sense" and "the loss of the three beauty in the narrow sense". Based on a questionnaire survey of Chinese and foreign readers, the author proposes a means of compensation for the translation of translated poems by adding annotations to the translated poems, that is, with explanatory text attached to the translated poems, including the creative background of the original poem and the life of the poet. The cultural phenomena and allusions involved in the poems can help foreign readers to better understand Tang poetry, better understand the beauty of Tang poetry, and better understand the broad and profound Chinese culture. In order to truly achieve the purpose of translating Tang poetry: to introduce Tang poetry as a treasure of Chinese culture to more people and to introduce Chinese culture to the world. This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the development history of the marriage between aesthetics and translation studies (including western translation studies and Chinese traditional translation theory). The second chapter introduces the theoretical concepts related to translation aesthetics, and the third and 4th chapters are the key parts of this thesis. Chapter three analyzes the aesthetic object of poetry translation in detail: the original poem and the translated poem. This paper mainly introduces the characteristics and requirements of ancient Chinese poetry and English poetry, and evaluates the translation of some poems by Li Bai. Chapter 4th discusses the aesthetic subject in translation: translator and reader, and analyzes the translator's position in translation. Aesthetics, aesthetic ability, aesthetic activities and the importance of readers, and the form of questionnaire to study the aesthetic taste of Chinese and Western readers. 5th chapter for the full text of the conclusion, put forward some views of the author. Hope is a brick to attract jade and a modest contribution to the study of poetry translation from the perspective of translation aesthetics.
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