本文关键词: 网络艺术 审美嬗变 出处:《厦门大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 从20世纪末到21世纪初,一种全新的表达与交流环境导致了一种全新的艺术形式的出现,即计算机网络技术环境与网络艺术的相伴相生。本文旨在从美学的角度观照网络艺术何以产生以及它的产生存在对艺术领域和人类审美观念的影响。我们知道网络艺术并非仅仅是由技术引起的艺术领域的现象性变化,作为人类精神活动的重要组成部分,它的发展和变化深受人类精神生活特别是人类审美观念的影响。另外,网络艺术不仅仅是艺术形式的加加减减,抑或是审美体验的新、奇、特,它是通过对艺术规律的改写、对艺术生产和传播流程的再造、对艺术存在方式的刷新,不仅呈现出本体存在的独立价值和意义,并且引起人类审美观念的重构。本文从三个方面展开论述: 其一,对网络艺术这一概念的简单界定。“网络艺术”作为概念是对艺术精神与高科技手段相结合,以网络媒体方式呈现出来的艺术形式的统称。但描述的清晰并不代表概念的科学和完整。究竟什么是网络艺术?就艺术现实而言,这似乎还只是对目前尚不完全明晰的一种艺术类型的指称;而作为概念,其内涵和外延的过于宽泛和模糊也意味着其中尚存有诸多盲区和混乱。无论理论上有多少疑惑或争议,事实表明的是,随着计算机网络技术的诞生一种全新艺术形态的出现已毋庸置疑。 其二,对近年来人们审美观念的流变进行归结。由于当今中国人们社会日常生活的变化,人们社会心理、道德伦理观念及价值取向等发生了变化,那么人们审美观念发生了怎样的变化?这一部分以一种比较的方式从审美活动的碎片化、审美态度的随意化、审美趣味的猎奇化、审美追求的平面化等七个方面看现今审美与以往的不同。 其三,网络艺术怎样表征了人们审美观念的变化以及它的存在对艺术领域带来了什么样的影响。这部分从七个方面分析了由网络技术所引起的艺术理念、形态、形式、传播等诸多方面的重构怎样表征并建构了人们当下的审美观念。
[Abstract]:From the end of 20th century to the beginning of 21th century, a new environment of expression and communication led to the emergence of a new form of art. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the network art came into being and the influence of its existence on the art field and the aesthetic concept of human beings from the point of view of aesthetics. The art of networking is not just a phenomenal change in the field of art caused by technology. As an important part of human spiritual activities, its development and changes are deeply influenced by human spiritual life, especially human aesthetic concept. In addition, network art is not only the addition and subtraction of art forms. Or the aesthetic experience of the new, strange, special, it is through the rewriting of the art law, art production and dissemination of the process of re-engineering, the way of art existence refresh, not only presents the independent value and significance of the existence of the ontology. This paper discusses from three aspects: First, the simple definition of the concept of network art. As a concept, "network art" is the combination of artistic spirit and high-tech means. A general term for artistic forms presented in the form of network media. But the clarity of description does not represent the science and integrity of concepts. What is network art? As far as the art reality is concerned, it seems that this is only a reference to a kind of art which is not completely clear at present; As a concept, its connotation and extension is too broad and vague, which means that there are still many blind areas and confusion. No matter how much doubt or controversy in theory, the facts show that. With the birth of computer network technology, there is no doubt about the appearance of a new art form. Second, the evolution of people's aesthetic concepts in recent years. As a result of the changes in people's daily life in China, people's social psychology, moral and ethical concepts and value orientation have changed. So what kind of changes have taken place in people's aesthetic concepts? This part is different from the past in seven aspects: the fragmentation of aesthetic activities, the casual aesthetic attitude, the hunting of aesthetic taste and the planarization of aesthetic pursuit. Thirdly, how the network art represents the change of people's aesthetic concept and what kind of influence it brings to the art field. This part analyzes the artistic idea caused by the network technology from seven aspects. How the reconstruction of form, form, communication and so on characterizes and constructs people's present aesthetic concept.
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