本文选题:语篇翻译 切入点:词汇衔接 出处:《重庆大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 语篇作为翻译的基本单位在近年的翻译研究中得到了广泛的认同。英汉语篇层面上的对比研究的深入也为英汉语篇互译的理论与实践提供了借鉴。衔接是语篇生成的必要(虽不充分)条件,在语篇翻译中占重要地位。越来越多的研究者在逐步探讨衔接与翻译的关系,分析衔接手段的差异对于翻译的意义,丰富了衔接理论的同时也对翻译实践起到了一定的推动作用。但多数只是零散地举例对于某一衔接手段的表现形式加以说明,而将衔接理论与翻译实践结合起来对一部完整的作品从语篇层面上进行个案研究的并不多,这在一定程度上使得衔接理论在翻译实践中的运用不够系统与完善。事实上,衔接理论对于较长篇幅作品的语篇翻译研究也有较强的解释力。 从形式上看,衔接主要通过语法和词汇衔接共同促成。根据M.A.K.Halliday的衔接理论,词汇衔接手段在语篇的构建中不仅赋予话语篇章性,同时还起着组织语篇结构的作用。语篇中的某些词汇成分可以通过他们之间的重述或搭配关系体现出自然的衔接。词汇重述(reiteration)的手段包括重复(repetition),同义词(synonym),上下义词(superordinate)及概括词(general word);词汇搭配(collocation)的手段则包括反义词(antonym),顺序词(words drawn from orderedseries)及词汇链(lexical chains)等。 本文以Halliday与Hasan(1976)的衔接理论为基础并参考国内外学者对词汇衔接理论的研究,对我国中古汉语代表作品《世说新语》及其英译本A New Accountof Tales of the World中使用的各种词汇衔接手段进行系统比较,并探究原作与译作如何通过词汇衔接手段实现语篇主题的统一。前人的研究表明英语语篇在实现上下文衔接上采用更多的衔接手段,具体到词汇衔接上是否也体现出同样的规律呢?汉英语篇使用的各种词汇衔接手段在使用频率,特点上表现出怎样的异同?其原因何在?在翻译实践中又应当如何处理? 本文采取定量与定性相结合的研究方法。首先选取了《世说新语》第二章《言语第二》及其英译作为定量研究的语料,通过统计各种词汇衔接手段在汉英文本中的使用次数及所占比例,分析其分布规律,总结汉英语篇在词汇衔接手段上的异同。结合数据支持,在定性研究部分引用了《世说新语》及其英译本中典型的实例,揭示了汉英语篇在词汇衔接手段和语篇主题实现上的相同点,以及它们在使用频率、具体表现方式等方面的差异。文章还分析了造成这些差异的原因并总结译者在翻译过程中如何重现词汇衔接关系,有效地处理衔接手段的策略。 主要结论如下:《世说》中使用重复、反义词、顺序词的频率高于其英译本。英语语篇的行文特点是为避免重复,常用同义词、近义词、上下义词或概括词来代替重复原词。中文文本中原词重复、反义词的使用常常是为了取得修辞上的美感和实现某种表达效果,而英语语篇中则较少原词复现。不过,有时译者为了取得与原文在形式上的对等,也在不影响意义表达的前提下采用重复词汇衔接手段。尽管词汇衔接手段在汉英两种语言中存在差异,但这些差异并不影响译文通过符合自身语言特点的词汇衔接手段保证语篇主题与原文的统一。因此,译者要根据汉英语言差异,灵活地把握译文的词汇衔接问题。 本文是词汇衔接理论在汉英语篇翻译实践中的运用,也是从语篇语言学视角探讨典籍英译研究的一次尝试。
[Abstract]:As the basic unit of discourse translation has been widely recognized in translation studies in recent years. A contrastive study of English and Chinese discourse on the level of depth for the theory and practice of Chinese and English translation for reference. Cohesion is a necessary (though not sufficient) generated conditions, occupies an important position in text translation. More and more researchers in relation to gradually explore the cohesion and translation, analysis of cohesion difference for the meaning of translation, but also enriches the theory of cohesion in translation practice has played a certain role. But most are scattered examples to a form of cohesion is described, and the cohesion theory and translation practice based on a case study of a complete works from the textual level is not much, which makes use of cohesion theory in translation practice is not enough for the system and end in a certain extent In fact, cohesion theory has a strong explanatory power for the study of text translation in longer length works.
From the formal point of view, mainly through the connection of grammatical and lexical cohesion contribute to cohesion theory. According to M.A.K.Halliday, lexical cohesion in discourse in not only gives the discourse, but also plays a role in organizational discourse structure. Some vocabulary components in discourse can be restated by between them or collocation reflects the natural cohesion. Lexical reiteration (reiteration) means including repeat (repetition), synonyms, synonyms (synonym) on (superordinate) and general (general word); lexical collocation (collocation) methods include antonyms (antonym), (words drawn from orderedseries sequence of words and vocabulary) the chain (lexical chains).
In this paper, Halliday and Hasan (1976) cohesion theory as the foundation and reference of domestic and foreign scholars on the lexical cohesion theory research on China ancient Chinese representative works "Shishuoxinyu > and its English version A New Accountof Tales of the World in the use of various lexical cohesion system comparison, and explore how the original text and the translated text unified lexical cohesion to achieve discourse topic. Previous research showed that the English discourse cohesion means more in the implementation of context cohesion, lexical cohesion is specific to reflect the same rules? Chinese and English text using a variety of lexical cohesion in the use of frequency characteristics show the similarities and differences of how what? The reason for this? In the translation practice and how to deal with?
This paper adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methods. First select the "Shishuoxinyu > second < second > Chapter of speech and its translation as a quantitative research corpus, through statistical lexical cohesion in English text in the use of frequency and proportion, analysis of the distribution of lexical cohesion in Chinese and English discourse summarizes the similarities and differences the means of the combination of data support. In the qualitative part, citing typical examples of" Shi > and its English version, reveals the Chinese English textual cohesion and textual theme on the realization of the similarities in vocabulary, and their differences in the use of frequency, specific performance and so on. The article also analyzes the the cause of these differences and summarizes how translators reproduce lexical cohesion in the translation process, effectively deal with the cohesive strategy.
The main conclusions are as follows: < > said use of repetition, antonyms, word frequency tolerance to high order versions. The features of English discourse is to avoid repetition, synonym, synonyms, instead of repeating a word hyponymy or general words. Chinese text word central repeat, using antisense words often in order to achieve rhetorical sense of beauty and achieve a certain effect, but in English discourse is less repetition. However, sometimes in order to get the translator and the original in the form of equivalence, by repeating words without affecting the expression of the cohesion. Although lexical cohesion exists differences in Chinese and English two in the language, but these differences do not affect the translation of lexical cohesion features of their own language to ensure unity of discourse topic and text. Therefore, the translator should according to the differences between the two languages, vocabulary flexibly grasp the translation of the title Answer the question.
This paper is the application of lexical cohesion theory in the practice of Chinese and English translation. It is also an attempt to study the English translation of classics from the perspective of discourse linguistics.
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