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发布时间:2018-04-30 19:52

  本文选题:萧红 + 姜敬爱 ; 参考:《山东大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 20世纪30年代的中国和韩国,女性作家辈出,这一时期,女性文学得到了长足的发展。萧红和姜敬爱就是这一时期在本国文坛上崭露头角并取得不朽成就的女作家。她们虽然身处不同的国家,但是恶劣的社会背景,相似的人生体验,使得两位作家在创作上有着很多相似之处。同时,两位作家悲惨的人生经历、不幸的遭遇,使得她们能够更清晰透彻地观察自己生活着的世界,并通过作品深刻地揭露社会的不平之处,反映下层劳动者的苦难。萧红饱受各种苦难,在三十一岁的美好年华时带着无尽的遗憾离开了人世。姜敬爱也受尽了各种磨难,不堪疾病折磨,三十八岁时去世。虽然两位作家都经受了无尽的苦难和折磨,但是她们却给后人留下了无尽的精神财富。 纵观萧红的全部作品,我们可以发现其作品中描写的主要人物大都是处在社会底层、深受各种剥削阶级压迫的劳动者,作者“敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血”,以低沉、同情的笔调刻画受苦受难的下层民众的形象,同时也批判和谴责社会的种种不平之处。同时,作者深刻的意识到造成下层民众苦难的根源除了社会制度的不平等之外,还在于下层民众本身的无意识,他们不仅在经济上受到剥削和压榨,而且在精神上也受到奴役,,他们一味的盲从,不知反抗,过着祖祖辈辈几千年来延续下来的如死水般的日子。作者认为“中国人的灵魂在全世界中说起来就是病态的灵魂”,作者在很多作品中关注国民精神状态,没有一味的盲从当时文学为政治服务的理念,保持了自己的独特风格。《生死场》便是作者这一创作精神的集中体现。另一方面,我们通读姜敬爱的作品,不难发现作者关心的焦点主要集中在表现下层民众的苦难生活上。日本统治下的高压政策,使得下层民众不堪重负,离乡背井,流落他乡。国内的下层民众则继续忍受着地主、日本人、资本家的几重压迫,惨淡生活。这一点,作者在其代表作《人间问题》里做了详细地描述。另外,作家曾经有相当长的时间居住在中国间岛地区,这里聚集了很多在韩国国内无法生存而移居至此的下层劳动者。作者有一半的作品是以间岛地区为背景的,从这一点上来讲,我们也可以理解作者作品中体现的下层民众苦难的相似性。 另外,萧红和姜敬爱作为女性作家,她们的作品中明显的体现了女性作家对女性本身的关注。萧红从初登文坛的处女作《王阿嫂的死》,到《生死场》,到后期在病中创作的《呼兰河传》,作品中无不贯穿着作者对下层女性命运的关心。姜敬爱的《妈妈和女儿》、《人间问题》、《盐》等作品中都描写了处在社会下层、境遇悲惨的女性形象。生活在当时社会的女性,除了要像男性一样受到各种剥削势力的压迫之外,因为其独特的性别,和数千年来延续下来的封建家长制传统,她们还要受到男权的支配和控制。如何改变受到双重压迫的女性的命运,如何启蒙她们的意识使她们认识到自我的价值,是两位作家一直关心的问题。 在有上述相似之处的同时,两作家也有各自独特的问题意识,基于这些方面。本文采用平行比较研究的方法,对作家和作品进行比较分析。目前,对两位作家的比较研究论文只有四篇,都是从作家的一部代表作或作品的某一个方面进行的比较,因此笔者认为综合比较两位作家的作品,对全面了解两位作家具有较大的意义,这也是本文的立意所在。 在行文过程中,首先在第一章阐明笔者选题的目的,并总结了以往先行研究的成果,提出自己的研究方法。第二章阐明了作家的生涯及相关的文学创作,因为正确理解作家的生涯及创作背景对后文分析作家的作品及问题意识可以起到契机性的作用。尔后,在第三章中首先比较作家作品中描写的中韩两国的社会现实,按照农村和城市两个空间背景,对生活在其中的下层民众、剥削阶级、中产知识分子等形象进行比较分析。在比较分析的过程中,阐明作家及作品中体现出的问题意识的相同之处及不同之处,并试论产生这些相同点和不同点的原因。在第四章中,分析两位作家笔下的女性形象,主要从受封建家长制压迫的女性、沦为家长制工具的女性,以及在种种磨练中自我意识逐渐觉醒的女性等几个方面来分析中韩两国下层女性的苦难和自我觉醒,从而阐明作家的女性意识。另一方面,母性意识作为女性意识的重要组成部分,也是作家作品中不可或缺的重要组成部分。两位作家有着强烈的女性主体意识,她们尖锐的批判家长制对女性身心的摧残,划开环绕在“母亲”头上的神圣光环,使人们洞悉在母亲无私奉献之后的忍辱负重及作为一个单纯的人的喜怒哀乐。在第五章结论部分,综合论述本文的研究成果以及研究过程中发现的问题,阐明今后研究的课题。
[Abstract]:In the 1930s, women writers came forth in large numbers in China and South Korea. In this period, women's literature has been greatly developed. Xiao Hong and Jiang's love are women writers who have come to the fore and achieved immortal achievements in this period. Although they are in different countries, they have a bad social background and a similar experience of life, which makes two There are many similarities between the writer and the writer. At the same time, the tragic experiences and unfortunate experiences of the two writers make them clear and clear the world of their own life, and reveal the unequal parts of the society through their works, and reflect the suffering of the lower workers. When he was thirty-eight years old, he died when he died at the age of thirty-eight. Although the two writers had endured endless suffering and torment, they left endless spiritual wealth to their posterity.
Looking at all the works of Xiao Hong, we can find that most of the main characters depicted in his works are labourers oppressed by the various exploiting classes at the bottom of the society. The author "dares to face a miserable life, dares to face the blood of the dripping," and portrays the image of the lower people suffering from suffering in a low and sympathetic tone. At the same time, the author is deeply aware that the root cause of the lower people's suffering is not only the unequal social system, but also the unconsciousness of the lower people themselves. They are not only exploited and pressed in the economy, but also spiritually enslaved. They blindly follow, do not know resistance. The author believes that "the soul of the Chinese is a sick soul in the whole world". The author pays attention to the state of the national spirit in many works, and does not blindly follow the thought of literary service in literature at that time, and maintains his own unique style. On the other hand, it is not difficult for us to read the works of Jiang Zung love. It is not difficult to find that the focus of the author is focused mainly on the suffering life of the lower people. The high pressure policy under Japanese rule makes the lower people overburden, leave the country and go to the countryside. The lower people of the country continue to endure. The landlords, the Japanese, and the capitalists have a few oppression and dismal life. This is the author's detailed description of the "human problem" in his representative work. In addition, the writer has been living in the Chinese islands for quite a long time, which has gathered a lot of lower workers who are unable to survive in Korea. The author has half the work. From the point of view of the inter island area, we can also understand the similarity of the sufferings of the lower strata embodied in the author's works.
In addition, Xiao Hong and Jiang Zung love as a female writer, their works clearly reflect women writers' attention to women. Xiao Hong from the beginning of the literary world, "the death of Wang AAAO", to "life and death", to the later stage in the illness, "hhun River", the works of the author's concern about the fate of the lower women. Mothers and daughters >, "human problems", "salt >" and other works depict the image of a miserable woman in the lower level of society. The women living in the society, in addition to the oppression of various exploitative forces like men, because of their unique sex, and the feudal patriarchal tradition that have lasted for thousands of years, they are also subject to How to change the domination and control of male rights. How to change the fate of the double oppressed women and how to enlighten them to make them realize the value of themselves is a problem that the two writers have always been concerned about.
At the same time, the two writers have their own unique problem consciousness. Based on these aspects, this paper compares the writers and their works with the method of parallel comparison. At present, there are only four comparative research papers on the two writers, all of which are carried out in one aspect of a writer's masterpiece or a work. Therefore, the author believes that a comprehensive comparison of the works of the two writers is of great significance for a comprehensive understanding of the two writers, which is also the intention of this article.
In the course of the essay, the first chapter clarifies the purpose of the author's selection, summarizes the achievements of the previous research and puts forward his own research methods. The second chapter clarifies the writer's career and related literary creation, because the correct understanding of the writer's career and creative background can play an important role in the writer's work and problem consciousness. Then, in the third chapter, the author compares the social realities between the two countries in the writer's works, and compares the images of the lower people, the exploiting class and the middle class intellectuals in the two space backgrounds of the rural and urban areas. In the fourth chapter, the female image of the two writers is analyzed mainly from the women oppressed by the feudal patriarchal system, the female as the tool of the patriarchal system, and the women who are gradually awakening in all kinds of self-consciousness. To analyze the suffering and self awakening of the lower women in China and South Korea, and to clarify the feminine consciousness of the writers. On the other hand, the maternal consciousness is an important part of the female consciousness and an indispensable part of the writers' works. The two writers have a strong feminist consciousness, and they acutely criticize the patriarchal system to the women. The destruction of the body and body, the sacred ring that surrounds the mother's head, makes it clear to the people that after the selfless dedication of the mother and as a simple man's joy and sorrow. In the fifth chapter, the results of this study and the problems in the process of the study are discussed, and the subject of future research is clarified.



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