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发布时间:2018-05-08 16:29

  本文选题:人物类型 + 艺术表现手术 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 中国与韩国的古典文学领域的交流频繁,比较研究的历史悠久,成果丰硕,研究活动也很活跃;相比之下,关于中韩两国的现代文学的比较研究的状况却不是令人那么满意的。从19世纪末开始,中韩两国的关系开始疏远,导致各方面的交流也停滞下来。关于两国近代文学的比较研究也是在近年开始才重又引起学术界的关心并且活跃起来,开始在比较文学的领域占有一席之地。在中韩两国的现代文学的比较研究方面,影响研究的进行是有一定的困难的,并且目前比较文学的研究方向多倾向于平行比较研究,比起以事实依据为主的影响关系,通过分析作家,作品,阐明各国文学之间的共性及个性的平行研究更符合比较文学研究的走向。基于此,本稿选择了20世纪30年代中韩两国知名女作家萧红与姜敬爱的代表作《生死场》和《人间问题》进行研究。 选择这两位女作家的原因有一下几方面:一,萧红与姜敬爱是20世纪30年代中韩两国非常有成就的代表性的女作家。萧红1933年以“悄吟”的笔名登上文坛,发表了短篇小说《王阿嫂的死》,到1942年她离开人世,大概10年的时间,她创作了包括三部长篇小说,短篇小说,诗歌,剧本等各种题材在内的作品百余篇;姜敬爱于1931年在《朝鲜日报》上发表短篇小说《破琴》登上文坛,1944年她离开人世,这期间她创作了两部长篇小说,中短篇小说23篇,各种散文及评论27篇,诗10首。二,两位作家具有相似的人生历程和生活遭遇,这对她们两人的文学创作产生了很大的影响,使其二人在文学创作上表现出很多相似之处。三,两位作家的作品具有相似的主题。在20世纪30年代这个特殊的时期,她们不约而同地把创作的目光投向了处于社会最底层的农民和工人阶级的的身上。通过她们的作品,我们可以看到在那个社会时期,劳苦大众的悲惨生活以及他们逐渐的成长起来,觉醒,直至反抗的过程,真实地反映了现实生活。 选择这两部作品的原因如下:一,《生死场》和《人间问题》不仅是萧红和姜敬爱两人的杰出的代表作,在两位作家的创作生涯中,这两部作品也有着很重大的意义。《生死场》发表后,鲁迅的夫人许广平在谈到小说出版后的影响时说:“无疑给上海文坛一个不少的新奇与惊动”;姜敬爱的《人间问题》被评为”第一部涉及工人阶级主题的作品,通过对工场内及码头劳动场面的赤裸裸的描写,反映了在故乡找不到活着的出路的农民,来到城市之后成为工人,而工人的生活也让他们丧失了人的价值。”二,两部作品以20世纪30年代的中韩两国为背景,反映了那个社会时期于社会最底层的农民和工人阶级的悲惨生活和他们的觉醒。 就笔者现有的资料来看,关于萧红与姜敬爱比较研究的论文只有四篇。何镇华于1998年在《韩国学论文集》上发表了一篇《萧红与姜敬爱的小说创作比较》的论文,从两位作家的生平及作品两个大方面概括地对两位作家进行了比较;延边大学师范学院的张美红在其硕士学位论文中从“家园情结”“女性视角”“历史文化背景”三个方面对萧红和姜敬爱两位女作家的悲剧意识进行了探源;对外经济贸易大学的孙鹤云在其硕士学位论文中从生平及创作历程,主题,语言及文体风格等方面对两位作家的小说进行了比较研究;韩国首尔大学的硕士毕业生于翰在其学位论文中以女性人物为中心对两位作家的小说进行了比较研究。在对先行研究的批判地接受的同时本稿将特别地对萧红以及姜敬爱作品的人物形象及塑造人物的艺术表现手法进行分析,比较,进而来了解两位作家的创作,希望此论文对萧红及姜敬爱的比较研究是一个有益的补充,并为中韩现代文学的比较研究提供一个新的视角。 对两部作品的人物类型的分析将以正面人物论和中间人物论两部分进行,之所以这样分类,是希望在一目了然地理解人物的同时还可以进一步把握以及理解两位作家对人物的把握问题,并对两位作家的比较研究提供一个新的角度。由于《生死场》中没有直接描写反面人物,因此对人物的比较分为正面人物论和中间人物论两个方面。 《生死场》中的赵三和《人间问题》中的老大属于正面人物的一种类型,对于那个特殊的时代现实他们都富有反抗的精神,他们这种人物是那个时代的主流;《生死场》中的王婆和《人间问题》中的善妃和间兰属于正面人物的另外一种类型,作为女性,她们表现出了不亚于男性的勇敢和坚强的斗争意志,在父权夫权横行的年代,她们是一种超越自我,战胜自我的女性代表。 《生死场》的二里半和《人间问题》的申哲是中间人物类型中的一种,虽然两个人物表面上截然不同,但从本质上来看他们都是自私自利的人物的代表,他们的身上分别有着农民阶级和知识分子阶层不可避免的局限性;《生死场》的金枝和《人间问题》的玉占是另一种类型的人物:通过对金枝的描写萧红表达了自己对当时社会妇女命运的关注;通过对玉占的塑造姜敬爱批判了当时社会上一部分女性知识分子存在的问题。两位作家对这两个人物的塑造,体现了她们观察社会现实,把握社会现的态度,也体现了她们通过文学作品反映现实,批判现实的使命感。 对塑造人物的艺术表现手法的分析是从三个方面来展开的。 第一,描写的真实性。作为现实主义作家,萧红和姜敬爱在对时代和社会观察并深入了解的同时,更通过她们的人物来反映社会现实。运用场面描写,细节描写,心理描写等两位作家把人物性格塑造得真实丰满。 第二,描写的象征性。象征艺术以具体事物暗示抽象事物、抽象想象力,同时也是小说家在探索社会与人生时所寻找到的一个有效的审美方式。《生死场》中萧红用马来象征农民阶级麻木的思想状态,《人间问题》中姜敬爱用怨沼来象征无产阶级的力量等等,都体现了两人共同的审美追求。 第三,描写的对比性。两篇作品中作者都通过对比来彰显人物的性格以及人物性格的发展变化。不仅有人物与人物之间的对比,也有人物自身的对比,更有通过调动作品中人物做的对比。 两位作家塑造的人物有相同也有不同,塑造人物的方法也是多种多样,但是作家对大时代的理解和长期积累起来的文学修养再加上作家个人的感情体验,使得她们的人物真实可见的同时又具有艺术魅力。
[Abstract]:China and South Korea have frequent exchanges in the field of classical literature. Comparative studies have a long history, fruitful results and active research activities. In contrast, the comparative study of modern literature between China and South Korea is not so satisfactory. Since the end of the nineteenth Century, the relationship between China and South Korea began to alienate and lead to exchanges in all aspects. The comparative study of modern literature of the two countries has also begun to arouse the interest and activity of the academic circles in recent years and began to occupy a place in the field of comparative literature. In the comparative study of modern literature between China and South Korea, there are some difficulties in the study and comparative literature at present. The research direction is more inclined to parallel comparison research. Compared with the influence of fact basis, the parallel study of writers, works, and clarifies the commonness and personality of the literature of various countries is more consistent with the trend of comparative literature research. Based on this, the manuscript selected the 1930s Chinese and Korean famous female writer Xiao Hong and Jiang love The representative work of "life and death" and "the human problem" were studied.
There are several reasons for the selection of these two women writers: first, Xiao Hong and Jiang Jing love are the most successful representative women writers of China and South Korea in 1930s. Xiao Hong boarded the literary world in 1933 with the name of "silent Yin", published a short story "the death of Wang AAO", and she left the world for about 10 years by 1942. There are three novels, short stories, poems, and scripts in a hundred pieces of work. Jiang loves to publish a short story in the Korean daily in 1931. She left the literary world. In 1944 she left the world. During this period, she created two novels, 23 short stories, 27 essays and comments, 10 poems, two, two writers. It has a similar life history and life experience, which has a great influence on the literary creation of the two of them, so that the two people show a lot of similarities in literary creation. Three, the works of the two writers have similar themes. In this special period in 1930s, they put their creative eyes on the same place. Through their works, we can see the tragic life of the masses and their gradual growth, awakening, and resistance to the real life through their works.
The reasons for choosing these two works are as follows: first, "life and death field >" and "the human question" are not only the outstanding representative works of the two people of Xiao Hong and Jiang Jing. In the creative career of the two writers, the two works also have great significance. After the publication of "life and death", Lu Xun's wife, Xu Guang, said, "no doubt," There is a lot of novelty and shock in the literary world of Shanghai. Two, the two works, in the context of the two countries in 1930s, reflect the tragic life and their awakening of the lowest social and working class of the society during the social period.
According to the author's existing information, there are only four articles on the comparative study of Xiao Hong and Jiang's love. In 1998, He Zhenhua published a thesis on the comparison of novels by Xiao Hong and Jiang's love in the collection of Korean studies, and made a comparison of the two writers from the two major aspects of the life and work of the two writers. In his master's thesis, Zhang Meihong from the school of normal school explored the tragic consciousness of Xiao Hong and Jiang Jing love from three aspects of "home complex", "female perspective" and "historical and cultural background", and Sun Heyun of University of International Business and Economics in his master's degree theory from life and creation course, theme, language. A comparative study of the novels of the two writers was carried out in terms of style and style. The graduate of Seoul University in Korea compared the novels of the two writers with the female characters as the center in his dissertation. The manuscript will be particularly accepted by Xiao Hong and Jiang in his critical acceptance of the previous study. The character image and the artistic expression of the characters are analyzed and compared, and then the creation of the two writers is understood. I hope this paper is a useful supplement to the comparative study of Xiao Hong and Jiang's love, and provides a new perspective for the comparative study of Chinese and Korean modern literature.
The analysis of the types of the characters in the two works will be carried out in two parts of the positive character theory and the middle character theory. The reason for this classification is to make a clear understanding of the characters at a glance and understand the problem of the two writers' grasp of the characters, and to provide a new angle to the comparative study of the two writers. There is no direct description of negative characters in the life and death field. Therefore, the comparison of characters is divided into two aspects: positive character theory and middle person theory.
"The field of life and death" of Zhao San and the "human question" is a type of positive character, the spirit of resistance to the reality of that particular era, which is the mainstream of the time; the queen of life and death, the good concubines and the interland in the world are the other types of positive characters. For women, they show the brave and strong will of struggle, which are not inferior to men. In the age of patriarchy, they are a kind of female representatives who surpass themselves and overcome themselves.
The two and a half years of life and death and Shen Zhe of the human question are one of the types of middle characters. Although the two characters are completely different on the surface, they are in essence the representative of the selfishness, they have the unavoidable limitations of the peasantry and the intellectuals, and the golden branches and the people of the life and death field. The jade occupied by the "jade" is another type of figure: through the description of the Golden branch, Xiao Hong expressed his concern about the fate of the women in the society at that time. Through the molding of the jade occupied by Jiang, he criticized the existence of some female intellectuals in the society at that time. The creation of the two characters by the two writers reflected their observation of the society. Actually, to grasp the attitude of society is also a reflection of their mission to reflect reality and criticize reality through literary works.
The analysis of the artistic expression of characters is based on three aspects.
First, the authenticity of the description. As a realistic writer, Xiao Hong and Jiang love his characters to reflect the social reality while observing and understanding the times and the society. The two writers use scene description, detail description, psychological description and so on to make the character real plump.
Second, the symbolism of description. The symbolic art implies abstract things with specific things, abstract imagination, and also an effective aesthetic way that novelists find in the exploration of society and life. Class strength and so on, all reflect the common aesthetic pursuit of the two people.
Third, the contrastive description. In the two works, the author shows the character and the development and change of the character by contrast. Not only the contrast between the characters and the characters, but also the comparison between the characters, and the comparison of the characters in the works.
The characters created by the two writers are the same and different, and the way to shape the characters is also varied. However, the writer's understanding of the great times and the long accumulated literary accomplishment add to the personal experience of the writers, making their characters visible and artistic.



相关硕士学位论文 前2条

1 罗明姬;萧红与姜敬爱的小说比较研究[D];黑龙江大学;2011年

2 杜彦松;姜敬爱与萧红的悲剧意识比较[D];吉林财经大学;2012年




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