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发布时间:2018-06-14 06:31

  本文选题:波希米亚 + 波希米亚精神 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2008年博士论文

【摘要】: “波希米亚”是一个有趣而迫切的理论命题。它是19世纪以来那些不满现实、喜欢游荡、具有创新才华的文人艺术家及其特异生活方式的形象代名词,是现代西方文化世界逐步增长的一种新的生活方式和精神信仰。 作为西方现代历史上特殊的艺术文化现象发生,波希米亚先后经历了一代波希米亚、二代波希米亚、先锋派波希米亚、跨掉的一代、60年代反文化运动等多阶段历史;涉及浪漫主义、象征主义、唯美主义、达达主义和超现实主义,跨掉的一代、格林尼治村先锋戏剧等文艺思潮。它孕育于19世纪初的浪漫主义运动,收束为20世纪中期的先锋派艺术,在前者的艺术至上理念渐次转型为后者先锋美学的百年历史历程中担任重要使者和媒介,让人们看到一种强调艺术和审美的自律的美学观如何悄悄地向强调艺术与生活边界溶解的后现代美学的转型。这是一个触摸现代西方艺术文化世界的核心范畴。 而作为西方社会转型时期混沌复杂的现代性情境产物,波希米亚是一场生活艺术运动及生活方式革命。它一头触及高雅文化的代表——艺术家和知识分子,另一脚踩踏作为生活方式总体的日常生活领域,其基本精神内涵贯穿为一种“将审美精神不仅表现于艺术而且引为一种生活实践”的艺术化生活的追求。从1830年第一批经验到此的长发青年到20世纪的超现实主义者,波希米亚人都在努力融合两种经验,即现代主义的艺术超越精神和走出社会体制束缚生活的开放体验,寻找和呈现艺术与生活的真理。在这个意义上,波希米亚延续18世纪以来的审美救赎传统,对席勒审美教育思想作了一个超越性的继承,彰显一条基本而珍贵的文化大传承原理:让生命的种子在现代审美文化世界发芽。 应该说,对“生活艺术”审美救赎路线的探寻,正是波希米亚的独具特色所在,它与“为艺术而艺术”的审美路线相反相成,共同生发于现代欧洲文人艺术家的世界。近两个世纪的岁月风云,让我们看到,艺术生活化就是这样一个宽阔的自我发展的工具,它建立于一个基本点:每个人都应该可以选择过一个属于自己的、本真的生活。这正是波希米亚精神的核心内涵。波希米亚艺术生活化运动,成为人们对理想文化世界追求的一段可贵尝试,成为现代人为获得真正意义上的一种自由、活波、充沛的审美化生存而行走出来的特别历史风景。
[Abstract]:Bohemia is an interesting and urgent theoretical proposition. It is the image synonym of the dissatisfied reality, loitering, creative talented literati artists and their special way of life since the 19th century. It is a new way of life and spiritual belief that the modern western cultural world has gradually grown. As a special artistic and cultural phenomenon in modern western history, Bohemia has experienced a generation of Bohemia, two generations Bohemia, the avant-garde Bohemia, a generation across the 1960s anti-cultural movement and other stages of history; It involves romanticism, symbolism, aestheticism, Dadaism and surrealism, the lost generation, Greenwich Village Pioneer Drama and other literary trends. It was conceived in the romantic movement of the beginning of the 19th century, and concentrated on the avant-garde art in the middle of the 20th century, and served as an important messenger and medium in the century-old history of the former's artistic supremacy and its transformation into the latter's avant-garde aesthetics. Let people see how a self-discipline aesthetic view of art and aesthetics is quietly transformed into a post-modern aesthetics that emphasizes the dissolution of the boundary between art and life. It is a core category that touches the world of modern western art and culture. Bohemia is a movement of life art and a revolution of life style as a result of the chaotic and complex modern situation in the transitional period of western society. It touches on the representatives of high culture artists and intellectuals, and tramples on the realm of daily life as a whole as a way of life. Its basic spiritual connotation runs through the pursuit of artistic life, which not only expresses aesthetic spirit in art but also leads to a kind of life practice. From the first long-haired youth of 1830 to the surrealist of the 20th century, Bohemians are trying to integrate two experiences, the art of modernism transcending the spirit and the open experience of life out of the bondage of the social system. Seeking and presenting the truth of art and life. In this sense, Bohemia continued the tradition of aesthetic redemption since the 18th century, and made a transcendent inheritance to Schiller's thought of aesthetic education. Highlight a basic and precious principle of cultural inheritance: let the seeds of life sprout in the modern aesthetic culture world. It should be said that the search for the aesthetic redemption route of "life art" is the unique feature of Bohemia, which is opposite to and complementary to the aesthetic line of "art for the sake of art", and is born in the world of modern European literati artists. Over the past two centuries, let us see that the art of life is such a broad tool of self-development, it is based on a basic point: everyone should be able to choose a life of their own, the real life. This is the core of the Bohemian spirit. Bohemian art life movement has become a valuable attempt to pursue the ideal cultural world and a special historical landscape for modern people to obtain a real sense of freedom living wave and abundant aesthetic existence.


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