本文选题:比较文学 + 世界文学 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2015年03期
[Abstract]:According to Yang Nai-chiao, the subject boundary of comparative literature expands rapidly by virtue of the advantages of interlingual and cross-border dimensions, and finally the comparative horizon echoes Jeffrey Barraclaf's view of global history and becomes the identity mark of comparative literature researchers. Cao Hongyang believes that "interdisciplinary" is an indispensable factor in the field of comparative literature, and it will continue to make important contributions to the identity of comparative literature. Jiang Zhe believes that in the context of Chinese language and literature, the study of "world literature" must be based on the premise of "comparative literature", that is, the appearance of "Chinese literature" in "world literature" must be presented in its own history. Appearance in the system of aesthetic and interdisciplinary relations. Guo Xi'an believes that the concept of comparative vision is the pivot to understanding the discipline characteristics and research orientation after the comparative literature, and the promotion from the horizon to the comparative horizon also marks to a great extent the conceptual characteristics of the transition from the traditional humanistic research to the post-humanistic research. Liang Dandan holds that the interactive dialogue between Chinese and western literature is a kind of exemplary text with the nature of intertextuality in comparative literature, and this text is the text of the new explanatory meaning generated and created by the research subject in the exchange and fusion of the spirit of Chinese and western cultures. That is, the third kind of poetics advocated by comparative literature.
【作者单位】: 沈阳师范大学文学院;
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