本文选题:女性主义 + 翻译标准 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 翻译标准是翻译研究中无法回避的重要话题。无论是我国的“信、达、雅”、“神似”、“化境”、“竞赛论”,还是西方的“三原则”、“动态对等”、“等效”等标准,他们对翻译标准的讨论基本都是从原文出发,以忠实为核心,考察译文在多大程度上忠实于原文,试图寻求一个主观上最好的译文。随着“文化转向”在翻译界的发展,翻译与各学科的交融不断深入,人们开始从不同的角度关注和研究翻译问题,译文被置于特定的历史和社会文化环境中加以考量,这大大拓宽了翻译标准讨论的视野。 性别话题作为文化研究的重要内容之一,已成为翻译研究的一个新视角。由于女性和翻译在各自的传统体系中都处于相似的“第二性”的低等地位,女性主义译者将注意力首先指向极具性别歧视的“忠实”标准,强调长期以来被忽视的译者的主体性和创造性,并主张女性主义的翻译目的就是让女性在译文中被看见,被听见,,所以女性主义的翻译标准就是忠实于女性主义的写作方案。翻译于是也成为女性主义争取政治权利的手段之一,作为翻译者的女性通过翻译表达自己的政治诉求。激进的女性译者甚至反客为主,篡改原文为自己的目的服务并将篡改的标记昭示天下。 基于中西方各异的文化传统和翻译实践,西方激进的女性主义翻译策略在中国并没有引发强烈的回响。然而不可否认的是,女性主义翻译理论本身及它所体现的思维方式给中国翻译理论界提供了思考的话题,而具有女性意识的翻译家在其翻译实践中也开始采取温和的翻译策略来体现她们的性别意识。 本文首先梳理了女性主义和翻译标准的发展历程,总结出两者的相似性及契合点,再从女性主义角度探讨翻译标准问题,重点论述女性主义翻译标准的意义。文章最后以中国翻译家朱虹的两篇英译文(《女人的“一样”和“不一样”》、《男人和女人》)为例,探讨具有性别意识的译者怎样在译作中体现女性主义翻译标准。
[Abstract]:Translation criterion is an important topic in translation studies. Whether it is our country's standards of "faithfulness, dharma, elegance", "god resemblance", "metamorphosis", "competition theory", or western "three principles", "dynamic equivalence", "equivalence" and so on, their discussion of translation standards is basically based on the original text. With faithfulness as the core, this paper investigates the extent to which the target text is faithful to the original text and tries to seek the best subjective translation. With the development of "cultural turn" in the translation field and the deepening of the blend of translation and various disciplines, people begin to pay attention to and study translation from different angles, and the translation is considered in a specific historical and social and cultural environment. This greatly broadens the horizon of translation standard discussion. As an important part of cultural studies, gender topic has become a new perspective in translation studies. Since both women and translation are in a similar "secondary" position in their traditional systems, feminist translators focus their attention first on the sexist criterion of "faithfulness". It emphasizes the subjectivity and creativity of the translator who has been neglected for a long time, and argues that the purpose of feminist translation is to let women be seen and heard in the translation, so the translation criterion of feminism is to be faithful to the writing scheme of feminism. Therefore, translation has become one of the means for feminism to fight for political rights, and women as translators express their political aspirations through translation. Radical female translators even turn back, tampering with the original text to serve their own purposes and show the mark of tampering to the world. Based on the different cultural traditions and translation practices between China and the West, the radical feminist translation strategies of the West have not aroused a strong response in China. However, it is undeniable that the feminist translation theory itself and the mode of thinking it embodies provide the Chinese translation theorists with a topic of reflection. In their translation practice, female-conscious translators began to adopt moderate translation strategies to reflect their gender awareness. This paper first reviews the development of feminism and translation standards, summarizes their similarities and convergences, and then discusses the translation standards from the perspective of feminism, with emphasis on the significance of feminist translation standards. Finally, taking two English translations by Chinese translator Zhu Hong ("woman's identity" and "different" >, "Men and Women" >) as an example, this paper explores how gender conscious translators embody feminist translation criteria in their translations.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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