[Abstract]:Nowadays, the focus of translation studies is shifting to external language studies. This shows that the translation process should not only pay attention to the language level, but also take into account other factors, such as culture, history and aesthetic values in the context of the target language. Lefevere is one of many western scholars devoted to the study of language externalities in translation. Lefevere proposes four factors that govern literary translation: patronage, poetics, discourse and ideology. The focus of this study is ideological manipulation. Any translation activity is for a reason, or has a certain purpose, utilitarianism, serves for a special group, serves for a political purpose, serves for an economic benefit. The choice of the translated text depends to a great extent on the ideology of the target language and also on the development of the ideology. This paper studies the influence of ideology on the selection of Chinese translation literature from 1898 to 1937, which is divided into two stages. The first stage was the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China (1989-1919). During this period, Chinese society is undergoing a great transition. The defeat of the Sino-Japanese War and the serious national crisis aroused the strong patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people. Many knowledgeable people want to learn from the West and improve their country. Under the influence of the social ideology, foreign novels were introduced into China as a political reform tool. Among them, political novels, detective stories and sci-fi novels, because of their novel content, and can serve as inspiration to the people, are favored, and constitute the key to the whole novels of the late Qing Dynasty. The second stage was the May 4th period (1920-1937). At that time, the Chinese society experienced a series of changes, such as the death of the Qing government, the founding of the Republic of China and the May 4th Movement, which brought a climax to the translation of Chinese literature. Russian literature, which is closely linked with the Russian Liberation Movement, has become the mainstream of translation. The October Revolution made the Chinese intellectuals in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society see the dawn and began the ideological transformation to varying degrees. The Literary Society with the idea of "Literature for Life" has translated a large number of foreign realistic works, among which Russian writers and works have become the main target of translation, in order to explore the way forward for China through the translation and introduction of Russian literature. At the same time, the view of class and the reality of imperialist oppression and aggression made the members of the Literary Society pay close attention to the literature of the damaged nation. On the other hand, the creative society which advocates "art for the sake of art" intends to translate the works of foreign Romantic writers. All these show that "the May 4th Movement", the post-literary translation is still under the intervention of different ideologies to screen the translation of works of different schools and different countries. From this discussion, we can see that in this turbulent era of the last century, due to special political needs, a large number of foreign literature poured into our country, but due to different political and historical environment and ideological changes, The foreign works selected in these two stages have their own characteristics. Through the macroscopic comparison of literary translation in these two critical periods, we can further clarify the cultural direction of translation studies and clarify that translation, especially its material selection, is not a simple task. But with people's political ideology has a very close relationship.
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