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发布时间:2018-07-28 10:46
【摘要】:随着后殖民理论应用于翻译理论研究,翻译理论研究中出现了“后殖民转向”,越来越多的翻译研究者将目光投向了翻译研究的新视角——后殖民视角。然而学界以往的研究重点大多集中于为抵制文化霸权,将异质文化引入西方,在翻译时较尊重原文的本土译者身上;或是无法摆脱自身殖民思想,因此在翻译时大幅改动原文的汉学家身上(强调译者与殖民思想的二元对立的研究),很少有学者将研究重点放在身为汉学家,喜爱并尊重异质文化,在翻译初期声称还原异质文化本质,而在实际操作中却因自身无法摆脱的殖民思想的桎梏无法实现翻译目的的自身充满矛盾的译者身上。史凯姗(Cathy Silber)便是这样一位译者。 《扶桑》一书一经出版便大受好评。该书于1995年获得第十七届台湾联合报文学奖长篇小说首奖。该书的英文版The Lost Daughter of Happiness获评2001年美国《洛杉矶时报》年度十大畅销书。作者严歌苓也是享誉世界文坛的华人作家。但是学界对该书的研究却很少。已有的研究也只是对其文学性的关注,鲜有从翻译理论角度切入的。 鉴于以上两点,,本文运用后殖民理论视角,选用后殖民翻译理论中的“东方主义”、“矛盾心理”以及“杂合”三个关键词,从两方面分别探讨《扶桑》英译本中的后殖民因素,试图找出译者操纵和翻译行为的真实原因,指出在翻译过程中差异性和多样性的重要性以及杂合翻译的可行性,为翻译研究提供一定的理论视角及启示。
[Abstract]:With the application of post-colonial theory to the study of translation theory, there has been a "post-colonial turn" in the study of translation theory, and more translation researchers have turned their eyes to the new perspective of translation studies-post-colonial perspective. However, in order to resist cultural hegemony, to introduce heterogeneous culture into the West, to respect the native translators in translation, or to be unable to get rid of their own colonial thoughts, most of the previous researches in academic circles have focused on it. Therefore, in the case of sinologists who have changed the original text substantially (the study of the binary opposition between the translator and the colonial thought), few scholars have focused their research on being Sinologists, loving and respecting heterogeneous cultures. In the early stage of translation, the translator claims to restore the essence of heterogeneous culture, but in practice, because of the shackles of colonial thought which he cannot get rid of, the translator is full of contradictions. Susan (Cathy Silber) is such a translator. The book Fusang received great acclaim when it was published. The book won the first prize of the 17 th Taiwan Union Daily Literature Award in 1995. The English version of the book, The Lost Daughter of Happiness, was rated as the top 10 best-selling book of the year in the Los Angeles Times in the United States of America in 2001. Yan Geling is also a famous Chinese writer in the world. However, there is little academic research on the book. Previous studies have only focused on its literariness, rarely from the perspective of translation theory. In view of the above two points, this paper uses the perspective of post-colonial theory to choose the three keywords of "Orientalism", "ambivalence" and "hybridity" in post-colonial translation theory. This paper probes into the post-colonial factors in the English translation of Fusang from two aspects, tries to find out the real causes of the translator's manipulation and translation behavior, and points out the importance of diversity and diversity in the process of translation and the feasibility of hybrid translation. It provides a theoretical perspective and enlightenment for translation studies.


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