[Abstract]:In reference to Chinese aesthetics, many people will naturally think of Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Cai Yuanpei, Zhu Guangqian and other masters. Hu Shi is one of the two masters of the new cultural movement. Many people are familiar with the achievements of his historical examination work, but his aesthetic ideas have always been ignored. Because Hu Shi has not put forward his own aesthetic system, it is closed at home and abroad. Yu Hushi's aesthetic study is few and few, but his aesthetic thought is truly reflected in the analysis of the subtle problems in real life, so we have a discussion space and perspective on the philosophical level. The author will make a thorough study of Mr. Hu Shi's aesthetic ideas and discuss Hu Shi's aesthetic education. Hu Shi, born in Huizhou, was born in Huizhou, was born in Huizhou, was raised by his mother and raised by his mother. The strong cultural atmosphere of Huizhou and his mother's tolerant character and learning consciousness have laid a good foundation for his perseverance and self-reliance in his later studies. Hu Shi's kindness and kindness, tolerance and humility, and friends are not divided. Class, the four word Maxim on his way to study, "diligent, good, and slow" never forget. Hu Shi's family education, social education and self-education laid a solid foundation for his popular aesthetic thought. After seven years of studying in the United States, Hu Shi accepted the experimental philosophy of heavy experiment and meticulous observation. He gave birth to his empiricism aesthetics. Based on the humanistic care in real life, he examined and criticized the society through pragmatist aesthetics and philosophy to arouse people's critical consciousness of modern individuals, to the pattern of daily life, and to sublimate pragmatism aesthetics to a higher level.
Through the systematic study of Hu Shi's poetic aesthetics, novel aesthetics, drama aesthetics and aesthetic ideas embodied in it, this paper sums up the core of Hu Shi's aesthetic thoughts and the aesthetic standards of Hu Shi's new poetry, enriches the comparative study and interpretation of the related categories. Hu Shi believes that the aesthetic connotation of the new poem lies in the clear and clear language of the new poetry and the material of the new poetry. In general, the aesthetic thought of Hu Shi's new poetry is not only the inheritance of the aesthetic "image", but also the nourishment of the foreign Imagist school. But what Hu Shi pursues is not the traditional yoke or the rules of the various schools, but the natural expression of the inner thoughts. Nature produces harmony and natural production. Beauty is in nature, simple and unfettered. He thinks that poetry is valuable to innovation, poetry's accessibility, strength and beauty is his aesthetic criterion. He tries to overthrow all shackles of freedom, oppose traditional style of poetry, and advocate vernacular poetry. In the seven years of studying in the United States, Hu Shi can use the vision of world literature to look for the process of Chinese poetry. A new avenue of light is sharp and praiseworthy. Hu Shi's aesthetic thought is also reflected in the textual criticism. In the examination of classical novels, Hu Shi's aesthetic thoughts are embodied in the three aspects of natural beauty (< old remnants >), beauty of human body (< mirror edge >) and beauty of image ("the dream of Red Mansions >"). Hu Shi's view of natural beauty (advocating health) Nature), the view of the beauty of the human body and the beauty of the image (the formation of the artistic image needs sincere feelings and lofty ideas) has made an important contribution to the correction of the aesthetic and aesthetic consciousness of the society at that time. In order to cater for the aesthetic habits and aesthetic power of the nation, Hu Shi once melted Western dramas into Chinese traditional drama. In the creation of the event, Hu Shi abandoned the tedious routines of traditional plays, compressed the plot to make the plot very concise, the stage background and the props were very economical, and the dramatic form was natural. Hu Shi proposed a "economic" play. The aesthetic principle of drama once had a great influence on Chinese drama. It also came down in one continuous line with the idea that he opposed the tedious shackles in the creation of new poetry. Although Hu Shi never explicitly proposed the concept of aesthetic education, he was surrounded by the beauty of the environment, and after he was the principal, he also made his own aesthetic education in the speeches of the various places. Spreading to the public. Hu Shi deconstructs the traditional educational mode with the new pragmatist aesthetics principle, which is beyond the traditional educational model. He is very clear about the meaning and value of aesthetic sense and the unity of "aesthetic sense" and "economic use". Hu Shi's thought from the traditional Chinese and Western culture is guided by his subconscious mind. However, the limitations of his work, however, have led to his limitations. This paper discusses the unique understanding of Hu Shi's aesthetic education, enriches the comparative study and interpretation of the related categories, and deeply explores the value of Hu Shi's aesthetic thought, and makes a thorough study of the contemporary education. The aesthetic education is of guiding significance.
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