[Abstract]:With the continuous development of modern media technology and the increasingly rich means of communication, mass media is affecting every aspect of people's life. In line with the development of the media, literature is constantly changing itself, the media trend of literature is increasingly obvious. In particular, the emergence of electronic media has changed the traditional reading mode of literature, which has created the elimination of literary subjectivity and the language crisis of literature. However, no matter in any media era, literature has its own reasons and basis for its existence. This is because in the process of literature media, its performance and publicity of the humanistic spirit will never change. This paper first discusses the connotation of humanistic spirit and its evolution in China and the West, and proves that this development and change are consistent with the media trend of literature, and then includes different means of communication at the technical level. Different creative techniques and literary aesthetic forms of change, aesthetic needs and other angles to demonstrate; then, from the four elements of literature, that is, works, writers, the world, The changes in several dimensions such as readers and the reference of literature and the media to humanistic ideas are emphasized on the profound influence of humanistic care. Finally, from the viewpoint of the equality of all beings, the clamor of network literature is also discussed. It is emphasized that in the process of literary intermediation, the humanistic spirit has always been continued. On this basis, it is concluded that no matter how the changes of literature will not disappear, because human feelings will always exist, humanistic care is always the theme of literary works.
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