[Abstract]:Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetics is an important part of modern literary aesthetics. His literary and artistic aesthetics is mainly expressed through his literary creation practice and art appreciation practice. His works contain rich literary and artistic aesthetic thoughts. To study Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetics, we should combine his works with his works. Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetics is a vast and profound treasure, which needs us to sum up and study. The study of Ba Jin's literary aesthetics is not only conducive to our understanding of the excellent traditional aesthetic thought system, but also conducive to the construction of localization. Nationalized aesthetic thought system. The core of Ba Jin's aesthetic thought of literature and art is "truth", and he pursues "truth" all his life. Therefore, only from the angle of "truth" to grasp Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetic thought, can we fully understand the value of Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetic thought. This paper is divided into four parts. The first three parts discuss Ba Jin's aesthetic thoughts of literature and art from three aspects: art "truth", emotion "truth" and tragedy "truth". The last part mainly discusses the causes of the formation of Ba Jin's literary aesthetics thought from two aspects: the influence of Chinese culture and the influence of Bashu regional culture. The concrete structure is the first part discusses "the consistency of being human and writing", mainly talking about his "artistic truth". This paper discusses the difference between artistic reality and real life, the typical "truth" of art and the "truth" of expression technique. The second part discusses "the unity of the writer's heart and hand", mainly discusses his "emotional truth", and discusses the characteristics and functions of emotion. The third part discusses his tragic truth, mainly from two aspects: the authenticity of tragic character and the authenticity of tragedy reflecting the essence of society. In the last part, the author points out the reasons for the formation of Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetics, and emphasizes the regional characteristics of Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetics in terms of regional culture. Through the study of Chinese culture and Bashu regional culture, this paper explains the forming reasons of Ba Jin's literary and artistic aesthetic thoughts from the perspective of cultural region, which is of certain innovative significance in the study.
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9 赵,