[Abstract]:Labor practice is the ultimate root cause of the creation of literature and art. However, it must pass through the intermediate link of primitive ritual activities. The primitive ritual activity is the mother of literature and art. In ritual activities, the formation of the idea of God opens the spiritual space in the true sense of human beings, thus making the activities of the original image symbol to the literary and artistic activities. Evolution provides decisive conditions. In ritual activities, the differentiation of performers and spectators, the centralization of ceremonial activities, centralization and generalization, together contribute to the separation of literature and art from the sacred world of the ritual, to independence. As the departure of God leaves a vacancy, literature and art have changed from "sacred" to "no". The world is also an uncertain fictional world, but it still inherits the threshold of the sacred world, which defuses all kinds of external order and norms with its nihility and infinity to return to freedom. The fictional world of literature and art is in the tension made up of the sacred world of ritual and the world of everyday life, although it endeavours to maintain itself. The independence of the body can not be affected by the two, and hence its characteristics and changes.
【作者单位】: 温州大学人文学院;温州大学文艺学研究中心;
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