[Abstract]:At present, public visual art education as an important part of aesthetic education in Colleges and universities has not attracted enough attention. Starting from the differences between fine arts and visual arts, the author traces the course of the values of visual art education, and points out that public visual art education can improve greatly in the process of cultivating talents with comprehensive qualities in Colleges and universities. The moral quality of students can promote the development of College Students'social ability, improve their professional quality and innovative quality, and promote the harmonious development of College Students' physical and mental health.
By means of questionnaires and taking Xiamen University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, Renmin University of China and Sun Yat-sen University as the objects of investigation, this paper understands the current situation of public art courses in ordinary universities, analyzes the problems and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions. It is pointed out that special attention should be paid to the fact that visual art education courses are much less than music art education courses and aesthetic arts. It is pointed out that in order to improve the current situation of public art courses in Colleges and universities, we must do a good job in organizing and ensuring the system, stipulate credits, cultivate special teachers, rationalize the curriculum, strengthen the study of the law of public visual art education, and enrich it. We should make full use of various visual arts education resources both inside and outside the school to implement the "National Public Art Curriculum Guidance Program" as soon as possible.
Under the current social and cultural background of global economic integration and multi-cultural coexistence, the value orientation of public visual arts education in Colleges and universities is to improve and perfect the comprehensive quality of college students through public visual arts education courses, lay a foundation for students'lifelong learning after leaving school, and ultimately help students realize the artistic life. It is the self realization of harmony between man and environment, between man and society.
In view of the specific situation of the teaching of public visual art course, this paper points out that the teaching method of public visual art course should be changed to be single, and three-dimensional teaching should be adopted to give full play to the students'main role, guide the students to change from appreciation and praise to criticism, give full play to the role of visual art in the interdisciplinary, and pay attention to the combination of theory and practice. Combination.
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