[Abstract]:Identity and moral choice have increasingly become the focus of contemporary western literary criticism. It is in such a theoretical background that the "other" is ready to emerge. It has become a remarkable feature of the turn of contemporary ethical thought in the 20 th century. Kuche, the Nobel Prize winner in literature, shows the uncertainty of multiple identities and moral choices in his literary creation. Kuche could not identify with the white identity, nor did he identify with the black people in South Africa. He lacked the black living experience. Kuche sympathized with black South Africans, but the reality of violent revenge in the post-colonial era made him have reservations about the limits of liberation and freedom for blacks. In addition, bioethics in the present hot, and Kuche's multiple ethics in the same vein. Kuche advocated the reverence of all life, which led to the ultimate thinking on the ethics of life.
【作者单位】: 山东大学文学与新闻传播学院;山东大学;
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