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发布时间:2018-08-29 14:44
【摘要】: 20世纪是批评的世纪。然而与热闹喧嚣的文学批评实践领域相比,文学批评理论的建设却显得有些冷清而平静。文学批评的理论建设指作为独立学科的文学批评学的建设,就国外的研究情况而言,文学批评学的系统研究不过只有百年左右的历史,在中国,它更是一门刚刚起步,远未成熟的新学科。 就现已成形的文学批评理论研究来说,批评理论的表述层面与批评实践的实际进展之间存在着一定的脱节和错位,这体现为:在探讨思考文学批评的性质、功能、主体等问题的时候,对新出现的特别是20世纪后半期以来的批评观念、批评意识关注和吸纳得不够,于是造成这样一种结果:20世纪文学批评领域中的一些关键词,如交往理性、对话理论、主体间性、意向性等,几乎没有被整合到批评理论体系之中。上述状况的存在为本论文的研究取向提供了目标,在当代理论语境中探讨文学批评理论的建设与创新,尽量运用新的观念、理论,借鉴新的研究成果思考文学批评的性质、特征、运作机制、主体功能等课题,这是本论文写作的努力方向,也是本选题理论意义及价值的体现。 论文的基本思路是,尽量站在文学批评理论发展的前沿地带,回顾和总结文学批评理论发展的实绩,发挥批评理论体系的顺应与整合效力,使得批评理论的概念设置、命题内容、理论逻辑、思维结果都能反映文学批评理论的新内涵和新动态。论文以辩证逻辑思维的方法作为方法论基础,结合归纳综合、演绎分析、分类比较等方法,同时借鉴现象学、解释学等方法,力图更加全面立体地勾勒出文学批评理论建构的整体轮廓。 论文共分六章,各章主要内容如下: 第一章“交流与批评”,从人际交往的角度入手,探讨人类的一般交流、艺术交流与文学交流之间的关系,指出文学交流的内涵在于作者、文本、读者之间的双向影响关系。进而对文学交流的机制、媒介和效果等问题进行分析和论述,在进一步突出文学交流的特性与功能的同时,将文学批评纳入文学交流整体流程之中,以确立文学批评的位置、角色和主题,体现出交流学视角下的文学批评理论的特色。 第二章“话语与批评”,首先对话语概念本身进行梳理,从话语与交流、话语与陈述、话语与权力等不同角度进一步探讨话语的特性和实质,把握话语理论的内涵。其次对文学话语进行专题研究,从指称与语境的关系、文学话语的表达建构行为与文学隐喻的关系等方面入手,揭示文学话语不同于一般话语的独特之处。然后将重点放在批评话语方面,就话语的生产性与批评理论的增殖、话语的对话性与批评理论的多元开放等问题进行阐述,以凸显文学批评在话语性的文学整体活动中的真正意义和作用。 第三章“文本意义:文学批评的关注焦点”,在引入法国学者雅各布森交流图式的基础上,对其加以改进,以一个可以专门用于文学批评这一特殊交流行为的图式作为参照系,分别从交流主体(即作者与读者)、交流背景(即语境与联系)、交流载体(即文本与代码)三个方面考察文学批评对文学文本意义的解读行为,文本意义的解读既不是向作者原意的回归,也不是读者的随意解释,而是以交流图式中的各构成要素为依据的综合性创造活动。在此,20世纪文学批评理论超越单纯的价值评判,转而以意义阐释和探寻为主要内容的新特征得到了强调,并使轻解读重评价的传统批评观念得到纠正,批评重新成为一种以解读为基础,解读与评价并重的活动。 第四章“间性:文学批评的性质与定位”,以“主体间性”、“文本间性”理论为启发,将“间性”作为描述和界定文学批评特性的关键词,以突出它的中介性和桥梁性。文学批评既是文学理论与文学实践的中介,又在自身体现了科学性与文学性的互补关系;它还兼具将主观性与客观性综合调节,以指导批评行为的功能;并且在政治与学术之间,文学批评亦能求得一种动态的平衡。可以说,间性理论使得我们对文学批评的性质与定位问题的理论探讨更趋全面与合理。 第五章“阐释与评价:文学批评的程序、步骤与功能”,首先探讨形成文学批评的主客观条件的问题,然后按“准备、观察、潜入、领会”四个阶段分析文学批评的思维程序。紧扣意义阐释和价值评判这两个批评活动的中心内容,梳理出“确立标准——具体分析——整体揭示”这样一种文学批评的实施步骤。进而对文学批评的社会功能问题加以总结和概括,分别就文学批评对作家、作品、读者、社会的影响作用问题进行思考和探究。 第六章“话语主体:文学批评家”,对批评主体的心理素质、心理特征、行为准则、类型划分等问题进行较深入的思考,,将批评家的心理素质总结为“整体感、平衡感、还原能力”三个方面;从“审美体验、审美意向、意义表现”三个方面探讨批评家的心理特征问题;以“对象化、自主性与公众性的统一、克服偏见、建设性”作为批评家的行为准则;分别将“角色身份、批评态度、批评方式”作为分类依据,区分批评家的不同类型。本章着重从心理学、社会学的角度探讨批评主体问题,以图超越以往理论习惯的对批评主体仅作道德和信念层面上的要求和评价的种种局限。 本论文的创新之处主要有以下四点:第一,将具有当代理论意义和价值的交流理论运用于对文学批评的理解与思考之中,以显示文学批评在交流学层面上的意义内涵,体现文学批评在文学活动整体格局中的真正价值。第二,把话语研究引入文学批评理论的建构之中,由此凸显文学批评的深层内涵和性质。20世纪影响整个人文社会科学领域的“语言学转向”已经从语义学研究层面进入语用学研究层面,或者说语言学转向已发展到了话语转向的阶段。话语理论将语言研究从结构主义式的抽象与规则带向了主体之间的交往活动之中,由于话语行为体现的正是主体之间在言谈与讲述层面上的交流与互动,所以说,话语理论和交流理论可谓殊途同归,两者会聚于对话交流与互动这一理论基点上,而这应该是研究20世纪文学批评理论的一个具有当代学术价值的切入点。第三,将文本意义的解读阐释作为文学批评的基本问题,体现了批评理论的最新进展,对文本意义解读阐释行为的重视促使人们对批评活动和批评家自身进行重新定位,批评的定位与功能的转变,使文学批评由语义阐释、鉴赏评判发展成为更全面和更具创造性的话语实践活动。第四,侧重从心理学、社会学角度探讨文学批评主体问题,结合相关研究领域的新成果,对文学批评家的心理素质、心理特征、行为准则等问题加以较为深入的探讨,运用意向性、多元体验、角色身份等心理学、社会学术语,力图从学理层面上对批评主体的个体心理活动和社会交往活动进行综合研究,让有关批评主体的理论内容更加切实和有效。
[Abstract]:The 20th century is the century of criticism. However, compared with the bustling field of literary criticism, the construction of literary criticism theory is somewhat cold and calm. The theoretical construction of literary criticism refers to the construction of literary criticism as an independent discipline. As far as the research situation abroad is concerned, the systematic study of literary criticism is only a hundred years left. In the history of right, in China, it is a new discipline which has just started and is far from mature.
As far as the theory of literary criticism is concerned, there is a certain disjunction and dislocation between the expressive level of criticism theory and the actual progress of criticism practice. This is reflected in the following aspects: when discussing the nature, function and subject of literary criticism, criticism of new ideas, especially since the second half of the 20th century Consciousness does not pay enough attention to and absorb it, which leads to the result that some key words in the field of literary criticism in the 20th century, such as communicative rationality, dialogue theory, intersubjectivity, intentionality, etc., are hardly integrated into the system of critical theory. To explore the construction and innovation of literary criticism theory, to use new ideas and theories as much as possible, and to think about the nature, characteristics, operating mechanism, and main function of literary criticism with the help of new research results, is the direction of this paper's writing and the embodiment of the theoretical significance and value of this topic.
The basic idea of this paper is to stand as far as possible in the forefront of the development of literary criticism theory, review and summarize the actual achievements of the development of literary criticism theory, give full play to the adaptability and integration of the theoretical system of criticism, so that the conceptual settings, propositional content, theoretical logic, and thinking results of the theory of literary criticism can reflect the new connotation and dynamics of the theory of literary criticism. Based on the methodology of dialectical logical thinking, this paper tries to outline the overall outline of the theoretical construction of literary criticism in a more comprehensive and three-dimensional way, combining inductive synthesis, deductive analysis, classification and comparison, and drawing on phenomenology, Hermeneutics and other methods.
The thesis is divided into six chapters. The main contents of each chapter are as follows:
Chapter One "Exchange and Criticism", starting from the angle of interpersonal communication, probes into the relationship between human beings'general communication, artistic exchange and literary exchange, and points out that the connotation of literary exchange lies in the bidirectional influence relationship among authors, texts and readers. While highlighting the characteristics and functions of literary communication, literary criticism is brought into the whole process of literary communication to establish the position, role and theme of literary criticism, reflecting the characteristics of literary criticism theory from the perspective of communication.
Chapter Two, "Discourse and Criticism", first of all, combs the concept of discourse itself, further explores the characteristics and essence of discourse from different perspectives, such as discourse and communication, discourse and statement, discourse and power, and grasps the connotation of discourse theory. Starting with the relationship between behavior and literary metaphor, this paper reveals the uniqueness of literary discourse which is different from that of general discourse, and then focuses on critical discourse, explaining such issues as the productivity of discourse and the proliferation of critical theory, the dialogism of discourse and the pluralistic opening of critical theory, in order to highlight literary criticism in Discourse literature. The true meaning and function of the whole activity.
Chapter Three, "Textual Meaning: the Focus of Literary Criticism", is an improvement on the basis of introducing the communication schema of Jacobson, a French scholar. This paper examines literary criticism's interpretation of the meaning of literary texts from three aspects: the carrier of communication (text and code). The interpretation of the meaning of literary texts is neither a return to the author's original intention nor an arbitrary interpretation by the reader, but a comprehensive creative activity based on the elements of the communication schema. The simpler the value judgment, the more emphasis has been placed on the new features with the interpretation and exploration of meaning as the main content, and the traditional criticism concept of light interpretation and heavy evaluation has been corrected.
Chapter Four "Intersexuality: Nature and Orientation of Literary Criticism". Inspired by the theory of "Intersubjectivity" and "Intertextuality", this chapter takes "Intersexuality" as a key word to describe and define the characteristics of literary criticism in order to highlight its intermediary and bridging nature. The complementary relationship between sex and literariness; it also has the function of adjusting both subjectivity and objectivity to guide criticism; and literary criticism can also find a dynamic balance between politics and academia. Reason.
Chapter Five, "Interpretation and Evaluation: Procedures, Procedures and Functions of Literary Criticism". First, it discusses the subjective and objective conditions of literary criticism. Then, it analyzes the thinking process of literary criticism according to the four stages of "preparation, observation, infiltration and comprehension". Firstly, it combs out the "meaning interpretation" and "value evaluation" which are the central contents of the two critical activities. Establishing criteria-specific analysis-overall disclosure"is an implementation step of literary criticism, and then the social function of literary criticism is summarized and summarized. The impact of literary criticism on writers, works, readers and society is considered and explored respectively.
Chapter Six, "The Subject of Discourse: Literary Critics", makes a deep thinking on the psychological quality, psychological characteristics, code of conduct and classification of the subject of criticism, summarizes the psychological quality of the critic into three aspects: the sense of entirety, the sense of balance and the ability to restore; and from three aspects: aesthetic experience, aesthetic intention and the expression of meaning. This chapter discusses the psychological characteristics of critics, takes "the unification of objectification, autonomy and publicity, overcoming prejudice and constructiveness" as the criterion of Critics'behavior, and classifies the different types of critics according to "role identity, critical attitude and critical style". In order to surmount the limitations of the previous theoretical habits in which the subject of criticism is only required and evaluated at the moral and belief levels.
The innovations of this thesis are as follows: firstly, the communicative theory with contemporary theoretical significance and value is applied to the understanding and thinking of literary criticism in order to show the meaning and connotation of literary criticism on the level of communicative science, and to reflect the real value of literary criticism in the overall pattern of literary activities. secondly, the discourse study The linguistic turn that influenced the whole field of Humanities and Social Sciences in the 20th century has entered the level of pragmatics from the level of semantics, or linguistic turn has developed to the stage of discourse turn. The study is carried from the abstraction and rules of structuralism to the communicative activities between subjects. Because discourse behavior embodies the communication and interaction between subjects at the level of speech and narration, discourse theory and communicative theory can be said to come together in different ways. They converge on the theoretical basis of dialogue and interaction, and this should be done. Thirdly, the interpretation of the meaning of the text is regarded as the basic problem of literary criticism, which reflects the latest development of the theory of criticism. Attention to the interpretation of the meaning of the text prompts people to reposition their criticism activities and critics themselves. The change of the orientation and function of criticism has made literary criticism develop from semantic interpretation and appreciation to more comprehensive and creative discourse practice. In order to make the theoretical content of the subject of criticism more practical and effective, this paper makes a thorough study of the criteria and other issues, using the psychological and sociological terms such as intentionality, multi-experience, role identity and so on.


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