[Abstract]:Plato is one of the important founders of western literary theory. He categorizes poems into two categories: mimic poems and inspired poems. He affirmed the inspirational poems from the essence of literature and art, the function of literature and art and the reception of literature and art. Therefore, he separated poetry from art, and thought that poetry in real sense was inspired poetry, which was the product of poet's words on behalf of God and had divinity; art was imitated and left artificial marks, so poetry was superior to art. Plato divided inspiration into four categories: the inspiration of prophecy, the inspiration of religion, the inspiration of poetry, and the inspiration of love. Their common feature is fanaticism. He believed that the inspiration of poetry came from the poetic body, and then the poet fell into a state of ecstasy. Another striking feature of poetry is transitivity, which distinguishes its inspiration from other inspirations. Some domestic researchers believe that Plato's inspiration also comes from "memory", standing side by side with the gods, which is a misconception. In fact, only the lover of love is associated with memory, which is generated by recollection of the beauty itself. It is different from the ecstasy of poetic inspiration, whose inspiration is generated only by the body of the poetic god, not through the process of recollection. The theory of rationalism is the foundation of Plato's philosophy. Goodness was also incorporated into his rational system. In Plato's eyes, the truth is the immutable reality, the real world is the characteristic of the rational world, the shadow or the copy of the rational world, it is variable, illusory, and the artistic world imitates the real world. So it's even more unreal. Plato set the creation goal of literature and art as the pursuit of rationality. Inspiration poetry is created by God through the mouth of the poet, it conveys the truth; and the imitation poem, because it is far from reason, is the shadow of the shadow, the copy of the copy, so Plato starts from the content of imitation, the form of imitation, Three aspects of the genre used to regulate imitation poetry, so that it meets the political needs of the Republic. But at the same time, he thinks that the creative process of literature and art is irrational. The poet of inspiration lost his reason because of his attachment, and imitated the poet's lack of reason because he had neither knowledge nor correct opinion. The creation of the inspired poet is done by divine power, and the imitation of the poet's creation needs: language talent, knowledge, practice. Plato's poetics is extensive and profound, and lays the foundation of western poetics in many aspects. Almost all the influential theorists of later generations have drawn nutrients from him and deepened their enrichment. All kinds of poetical viewpoints seem to be able to find the shadow or embryonic form in his dialogue.
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