发布时间:2018-09-01 19:01
【摘要】:刘姥姥一进大观园时的走路姿态关乎到这一智慧人物形象的刻画,但从霍克斯的译本The Story of the Stone对相关段落的处理发现,这一译文以及其他三个译本在刘姥姥形象刻画上都存在着问题:第一,对原文文本的选择没有注意;第二,忽略原本中关乎刘姥姥的两个场景的反差性。所导致的结果是,刘姥姥成了一个胆小怕事甚或爱说谎的人物,其形象在一定程度上被扭曲了。
[Abstract]:Grandma Liu's walking posture when she entered the Grand View Garden is related to the portrayal of this wise figure. However, Hawkes'translation of The Story of the Stone reveals that there are problems in the portrayal of Grandma Liu's image in this translation and in the other three versions: first, she has not paid attention to the choice of the original text; second, she has neglected the choice of the original text. As a result, Grandma Liu has become a timid, fearful or even liar, whose image has been distorted to some extent.
【作者单位】: 南京大学外国语学院;
[Abstract]:Grandma Liu's walking posture when she entered the Grand View Garden is related to the portrayal of this wise figure. However, Hawkes'translation of The Story of the Stone reveals that there are problems in the portrayal of Grandma Liu's image in this translation and in the other three versions: first, she has not paid attention to the choice of the original text; second, she has neglected the choice of the original text. As a result, Grandma Liu has become a timid, fearful or even liar, whose image has been distorted to some extent.
【作者单位】: 南京大学外国语学院;
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