[Abstract]:New challenges in research and teaching have emerged in the field of art. The study of art has encountered the following new challenges: the promotion of social influence but the weak strength of the discipline, the highlight of artistic particularity and the general forgetting of art, the independence of ordinary art and the separation of general art from the department of art. The relationship between the general art history and the department art history is doubtful, the internal logic of the branch art subject group needs to be combed, and the cost of separation between the two major visual arts disciplines should be paid more attention to. The new trend of art teaching lies in: it is urgent to construct the teaching and teaching material system of five first-level subjects, and to re-understand the art, especially music and dance, drama, according to the five first-level disciplines. The characteristics of the art group of film and television art, the study of the function of cross-media art in the current art, the analysis of the role of Chinese contemporary art system in the configuration of art, and the study of the new trend of Chinese art creation. Pay attention to the new pattern of contemporary art criticism and pay attention to the new role of contemporary art audience in art production. The author thinks that the cross-disciplinary art history under the current interdisciplinary background is pregnant with the ordinary art history, and it may cross the departmental art history and become a new subject growing point of the art theory. The degree of effort to face up to and solve those worrisome problems will largely determine the future of the arts.
【作者单位】: 北京大学艺术学院;
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