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发布时间:2018-11-03 06:47
[Abstract]:As a special kind of literature, drama is not only the script text, but also the blueprint of stage performance. Therefore, the perspective of drama translation is bound to be different from that of general translation. The study of drama translation has a long history, and the theory of drama translation has gone through a long dispute from the 1930s to the 1990s, and is still confronted with irreconcilable polarization. One is the "text readability" school represented by the famous translation theorist Susan Bassnett, the other is the "stage performance" school represented by Patricia Barvis. Susan Bassnett demanded strict text translation and opposed using stage performance as an excuse to ignore the root of language information. Patricia Barvis believes that drama has a unique artistic effect on the stage and emphasizes that drama translation should be based on stage performance. Focusing on the polarization of drama translation, this paper attempts to explore the dual nature of dialectical unity of drama translation. The thesis first reviews the controversy in drama translation and highlights the contradiction of polarization. On the basis of functional Skopos translation theory, the author makes a full analysis of the translation of text words and the realization of stage art in drama. The author thinks that it is important to be rigorous in text. Meanwhile, functional translation theory tells us that translation is a purposeful act, and the stage functional purpose of drama should not be ignored. Drama translation is to put the text on stage, stage is the purpose of drama translation. For the purpose of the stage function of the target language, drama translation should be different from the translation of general text, which should be based on the translation of the text and take its performance into account. This paper argues that text and stage performance are equally important in drama translation and should be a dynamic fusion rather than one or the other and one must be abandoned. This paper further analyses and points out that, on the one hand, we should make the maximum information transformation in the adaptation of cultural context, and at the same time, under the restriction of stage effect, we should adjust the text and highlight its performance. In order to achieve the best combination of two aspects. Finally, taking the two English versions of Lao She's Teahouse, Ying Ruocheng and Huohua, as the contrastive version, this paper analyzes the best consideration of the duality of the English translation, and demonstrates the fine translation art of the English version. The significance of this thesis is to point out that drama translation should face up to its inevitable duality and propose that the choice of drama translation strategies should be the best combination of the two.


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