[Abstract]:High-carbon art is a kind of art text which damages the spiritual health of art subject. It mainly includes three categories: highly addictive interactive digital art obscene vulgar art and various forms of false art. There are obvious differences in the degree and content of spiritual damage caused by the three kinds of high-carbon art to the art subject, but all of these damages are obviously specific. This kind of mental damage is not only different from the non-specific pathology of all kinds of neuropathy and mental diseases of human beings, nor is it equal to the juridical personality infringement. It is a new, increasingly serious and universal kind of modern artificial intelligence society. A tort that affects human mental health. In order to curb the spiritual damage of high-carbon art, it is necessary, firstly, to break the shackles of the theory of artistic harmlessness and to enhance the consciousness of safeguarding the rights of mental health; secondly, to clarify the standard of artistic quality, to establish the mechanism of screening, investigating and rescuing the spiritual damage of art subjects; The basic strategy lies in the art legislation, to establish the free boundary for human artistic behavior, to ensure and defend the human right to physical and mental health.
【作者单位】: 山东师范大学传媒学院;
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