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发布时间:2018-11-27 11:34
【摘要】:该篇论文的导论部分,笔者首先对鲁迅重新进行了人生定位:即鲁迅通过他的创作和翻译实践着他作为中国现代化进程中文学(文化)、思想的启蒙家、探索者的人生价值。对于他在改造国民性、引进西方先进思想、改革白话文等方面取得的成就固然值得我们肯定,但如果因为这些成就就把鲁迅的个人形象抽象化、神圣化,显然有失偏颇。他孜孜不倦的探索,在为后世思想、文化、语言、文学的发展铺路。而在历史的发展过程中,鲁迅的一些思想观念被后人很好地继承和发展下来,还有一些部分同样也会因为不符合历史发展的轨迹原则问题而被沉淀——这是历史发展的必然——任何一个开拓者在其探索之初就做好了被历史淘汰的准备。但终不忘作为一个探索者的使命和信念——“冀于将来有万一之希望”。 第一章,从对鲁迅百年研究的回顾与总结看鲁迅翻译研究。对鲁迅研究及鲁迅翻译研究分别进行了归纳、梳理和分类。并提出了本文的理论视角,即主要从译介学的角度来研究鲁迅翻译。 第二章主要围绕鲁迅心中的“两杆秤”展开分析,“一杆秤”的两端载着中国传统文化(文学)与西方文化(文学),“另一杆秤”即关于鲁迅对异域文学的选择看中的究竟是其文学性还是社会功利性?二者之前有没有关系?本章第一节,,策略与操作——鲁迅对中国传统文化的批判和继承及与“硬译”策略的关联。将透过鲁迅的表层态度还其对中国传统文化态度的本来面目,以及他采取表层态度的原因,并分析他的这种态度与其翻译思想是否有共通之处。第二节关于鲁迅对异域文学的选择,主要集中在分析鲁迅选择不同类型的文学作品的原因上。 第三章是主体部分:鲁迅翻译的三个时期及其翻译方式。第一节,“直译”和“硬译”的区别——以《苦闷的象征》几种中译本为例。对鲁迅的“直译”和“硬译”做一个澄清和区别是非常必要的。鲁迅翻译研究者都承认“硬译”是鲁迅翻译方式中非常独特的翻译现象,其背后蕴藏着丰富的文化内涵。但在讨论相关问题时,往往将“硬译”概念化、抽象化,并没有给读者以一个形象、直观上的认识。鉴于“直译”、“意译”的翻译方式已经被人们广泛研究并熟知其翻译形态,在原著和译本的对照中,比较容易得到相关的感性认识。因此,将“硬译”
[Abstract]:In the introduction part of this thesis, the author reorientates Lu Xun's life at first: that is, Lu Xun, through his creation and translation, practices his life value as an enlightener of Chinese studies (culture), thought and explorer in the process of Chinese modernization in China. His achievements in reforming national character, introducing western advanced ideas and reforming vernacular Chinese are worthy of our recognition, but if Lu Xun's personal image is abstracted and sanctified because of these achievements, it is obviously biased. His tireless exploration paved the way for the development of thought, culture, language and literature in later generations. In the course of historical development, some of Lu Xun's ideas were well inherited and developed by later generations. Other parts will also be precipitated by problems that do not conform to the trajectory principle of historical development-a necessity of historical development-and any trailblazer is ready to be eliminated from history at the beginning of his exploration. But never forget the mission and faith of being an explorer-"hope for the future." The first chapter, from the review and summary of Lu Xun's century-long studies, looks at Lu Xun's translation studies. This paper sums up, combs and classifies Lu Xun's studies and Lu Xun's translation studies. The theoretical perspective of this thesis is to study Lu Xun translation from the perspective of translatology. The second chapter mainly focuses on Lu Xun's "two-pole scale", which carries Chinese traditional culture (literature) and western culture (literature) at both ends of "one-pole scale". "another scale" is about Lu Xun's choice of foreign literature is its literariness or social utilitarianism? Is there any relationship between the two before? The first section of this chapter, strategy and operation-Lu Xun's criticism and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture and its relation with hard translation strategy. Lu Xun's attitude towards Chinese traditional culture will be returned through his superficial attitude, and the reasons for his attitude towards Chinese traditional culture will be analyzed, and the similarities between his attitude and his translation thoughts will be analyzed. The second section focuses on Lu Xun's choice of foreign literature. The third chapter is the main part: the three periods of Lu Xun translation and its translation methods. The first section, the distinction between literal translation and hard translation-take several Chinese versions of symbol of distress as an example. It is necessary to clarify and distinguish Lu Xun's literal translation and hard translation. Lu Xun translation researchers admit that "hard translation" is a very unique translation phenomenon in Lu Xun's translation, which contains rich cultural connotations behind it. However, in the discussion of related problems, the hard translation is often conceptualized and abstracted, without giving the reader a visual and intuitive understanding. In view of "literal translation", "free translation" has been widely studied and well known its translation form, in the original and the translation of the comparison, it is easier to obtain the relevant perceptual understanding. Therefore, "hard translation" will be


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