[Abstract]:In recent years, many changes have taken place in the study of ancient literature, especially in the turn of culture. The cultural turn in the study of ancient literature, except for the breakthrough of the one-way research model of "from literature to literature" and the influence of the trend of thought of cultural criticism in western society, There are also deep reasons for the return of ancient literature to its own characteristics. The cultural turn in the study of ancient literature has led to the blurring of literary boundaries, but in a longer period of time, the old literary discipline system will not be fundamentally changed. A pragmatic attitude is to recognize the "old" and open up "new" at the same time. Consciously make literature draw on the strengths of other disciplines, strive to establish bases in other disciplines, and do not have to worry about literature working for other disciplines; The cultural turn of ancient literature research has some disadvantages, such as simple comparison, common sense and so on. On the basis of deep, detailed and extensive reading, we must combine "fixed point deep digging" with "cross open", and make a deep and wide explanation of the problem. The cultural turn of ancient literature research is related to the legitimacy of literature itself, as well as to the adjustment of the way of thinking, research methods and research trend of literary research.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;
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